29) Nekos (ft. Frank!)

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You strolled down the streets from your job at Hot Topic. You couldn't wait to go home and see your two nekos Gerard and Frank. You found them both on the streets one day, alone and starving. They both had collars on, but no tags. They just said "Gerard" and "Frank".

Since they didn't have an address on their collars, you decided to just take them home to your apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, or now ex since you guys broke up and he moved out. Gerard and Frank hated Justin. He was always abusing you and your cats.

One time, one of them peed in his shoes. You assumed it was Frank. You caught Justin stuffing your two cats in a sack that he was planning on throwing in the river. You had just lost it and fought for their lives. It was the biggest fight you had ever gotten in and you were about to loose had it not been for the neighbors coming in and saving you.

Since that day you saved your cats, they decided they could trust you enough to show you their human forms. You were so shocked and didn't know how to react, which scared them at first. Afraid you would kick them out. But you didn't. You loved and accepted their human forms. You didn't want them to leave.

The three of you were so happy together. You learned a lot about these boys. Frank was extremely hyper and destructive while Gerard was more calm and loved to cuddle. He was always either laying on your lap or bear hugging you from the side and nuzzling his cheek wth yours.

But that was just Gerard during the day. During the night, he was just as hyper as Frank. Most cats loved to pounce on their owners during the night. Well, your two cats would do this in their human forms, so every other night you'd wake up with either Gerard or Frank jumping on you, knocking the wind out of you.

And sometimes Gerard would stand at the foot of your bed and would wait for you to wake up, and when you did, POUNCE! It was rough to look after the two, but you still loved them. One time you came home from an overtime shift and found Gerard on the couch crying. Frank had to explain to you that he had abandonment issues.

Gerard's last owner kicked him out when he showed him his human form. He called him a freak and rejected him. Gerard loved his old owner and was absolutely devastated after he kicked him out. So now, you bought an answering machine and would leave a message letting your boys know you'd be out late so Gerard wouldn't freak out.

Anytime you had to go over a friend's house or your parents, you'd take them with you. Of course, they'd have to be in their cat forms when going over your parent's place. But all of your friends loved and adored them as humans. You finally got home and unlocked your door.

"Gerard! Frank! I'm home!" You called out. "(Y/N)'S HOME!!!" Gerard screamed. He ran up to you and bear hugged you, lifting you up into his arms. You giggled and scratched him behind his ears, making him purr. He set you down and you looked up at him.

Gerard had several scratches on his face and some bruises. They were fighting again. Frank and Gerard were always either playing, or they were fighting. When they fight in their cat forms, they hiss, scratch and bite each other. But in their human forms, they scream, punch and kick each other.

Those kinds of fights usually leave them and your apartment in really bad condition. You put your hand on your hip and sighed. "Frank! Get out here!" You called. Gerard's ears went down and his tail twitched around. Frank peeked out from the kitchen and slowly made his way over.

Frank had a bloody nose and some scratches here and there. They were both bleeding pretty bad too. "Ok, what were you fighting about this time?" You asked. "The last slice of pizza..." Frank mumbled. You sighed and shook your head. You looked at your two boys.

"You need baths." You said. "NO!!!" They shrieked before running off. You groaned dropping your bag and chased after them. "Come on! Don't start this!" You wined. You tackled Frank and he yelped and scratched you. Oh yeah, instead of regular finger nails they had claws. In their cat and human forms and they HURT!

Once you got both boys on the bathroom you locked the door and put the child lock on. (Door bathroom doors have child locks?! Idk! They do in this one shot so deal with it!) After hours of yelling and getting various scratches on yourself, you were able to bathe them.

You obviously made them turn into their cat forms because you were NOT going to bathe two fully grown men. "There! All clean! Now no more fighting!" You scolded. They nodded and left the room to get dressed for the night. You plopped down on your couch and turned the tv on.

Gerard sat next you and bear hugged you. "(Y/n) I'm sorry for scratching." He said. "Kiss ass!" Frank remarked. He was laying on he floor on his stomach looking at his phone. You rolled your eyes. "It's alright Gee." You said, petting his hair. Gerard purred and leaned into your touch.

He then nuzzled your face and licked your cheek. His sandpaper like tongue tickling you slightly. He then licked your neck. Had Gerard not been part cat you would have thought this was weird. "I love you (y/n)! Please don't ever leave us!" Gerard suddenly says, nuzzling his face in your neck, his whiskers tickling you.

"You gently scratched behind his ears. "I love you too Gee! And I'll never leave you!" You said. "Ahem!" Frank grunted. You smiled over at him. "You know I love you just as much Frankie!" You beamed. Frank smiled and squealed. You loved your boys, and you were never going to leave them.


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