30) Over Protective

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Imagine being Gerard and Mikey's younger sister and Gerard is really over protective of you! You're 24 in this and Gerard is 28

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Imagine being Gerard and Mikey's younger sister and Gerard is really over protective of you! You're 24 in this and Gerard is 28.

"You can not tell Gerard. He will ring your neck!" Said Mikey. You rolled your eyes and held your boyfriend's hand. "Yeah well Gerard needs to understand that I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 24 for crying out loud!" You said. You were dating the one and only Marilyn Manson.

You and your older brother Mikey knew your oldest brother Gerard wouldn't approve of this. But you didn't care. "Your sister's right. She's old enough to make her own decisions." Said Marilyn. "Shouldn't you be up on that stage?" Mikey asked. You were all in the back of a venue.

My Chemical Romance had just finished performing and Marilyn Manson was up next. "I have 15 minutes. Though, all I need is 10." He said, winking at you. You blushed and looked away. "I don't fucking think so!" Someone grabbed your upper arm and yanked you away.

You looked up to see Gerard. Fuck. "Don't ever come near my sister again, Manson!" He sneered. You tried pulling your arm away but he tightened his grip. He was hurting you now. "Gerard, no offense, but you're being stupid. (Y/n)'s an adult and doesn't need her big brother to hold her hand anymore."

Said Marilyn. "Also, you should stop crushing her arm." He said. Gerard looked down at you. You had tears running down your face from how hard he was squeezing your arm. He let you go, but he pushed you over to Frank. "Take my sister back to the bus." He said.

Frank nodded and took your hand, taking to the tour bus. You sat down on the couch and cried. Frank sat next to you and hugged you. Frank was only a few months older than you and is the only one in the band that understands you. "It's ok, (y/n). Gerard means well." He said. You shook your head.

"No he doesn't! He's such an asshole! Marilyn didn't do anything wrong!" You cried. "(Y/n) he was trying to get into your pants. Any of us would have done the same thing." He said. You sighed and put your face in your hands. Gerard came storming in 10 minutes later. And boy was he pissed.

Your body went stiff and you prepared yourself for a lecture. But surprisingly, Gerard didn't yell at you. He pulled you to your feet and hugged you instead. Frank got up and left. This shocked you, but you hugged back. "(Y/n) are you alright?" He asked. You nodded.

He sighed and let go of you. "Can I see your arm?" He asked softly. You looked down and pulled your short sleeve up to reveal a large bruise on your arm. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you." Gerard said, stroking your hair. "I know you think I'm a jerk, but I'm just trying to look after you.

You're 24 and Manson's like... 40? Not to mention he's married!" He said. You looked up at him with eyes wide. "H-he what?" You quietly asked. Your brother nodded. "Yes (y/n) Marilyn Manson is married. He was cheating on his own wife with you. You don't really want to be involved in that, do you?"

Gerard asked. "O-oh god!" You mumbled, shaking your head. "Look, I'm sorry that I freaked out back there. But when I heard him trying to make a move on you I just lost it." He said, running his hand through his hair. You hugged him and buried your face in his chest, not caring how sweaty he was.

"Thank you Gerard... for protecting me." You mumbled. He hugged you back and kissed the top of your head. "I'll always protect my little sister! No matter how old you get."

This one shot takes place in late 2005. So Manson was I think 36? But it was around the time he was married to Dita.


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