13) Sick

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Imagine you are extremely sick and your boyfriend Gerard is taking care of you. "Aw, my poor little kitten." Gerard cooed as he petted your hair. You had some sort of stomach virus. Meaning you felt nauseous all the time and occasionally you threw up.

"Gerard babe, I'm okay, really." I tried to reassure but he wasn't having any of it. "You're not okay, (y/n)! That's why I'm here to take care of you." Gerard protested. You laughed lightly and shook your head. You sat up but hissed in pain when a sharp feeling pierced your stomach.

Gerard gently pushed you back down by your shoulders. "See? I told you so! Now stay in bed and don't get up again. If you do I will strap you down!" Gerard warned. You crossed your arms and pouted. Your sassy boyfriend gave a devious smirk and kissed your forehead sweetly.

"Gerarrrrd I'm sick!" You wined. "I know, and?" Gerard asked. "And you shouldn't be kissing me when I'm sick!" You replied. He only giggled and pecked your lips. "Be right back sugar. Your soups ready." He said and kissed your forehead again before going downstairs to bring you your hot bowl of deliciousness.

Gerard came back with one of his Star Wars bowls and a spoon. You sat back up but Gerard pushed you back down. "Ah ah! What'd I just say (y/n)?" He said in a strict tone. You raised an eyebrow on confusion. "Gerard, I need to sit up so I can eat my soup?" You explained confused.

Your boyfriend smirked and sat on the edge of the bed beside you with the bowl on his lap. "You don't need to sit up to eat your soup." He insisted. He scooped up some of the hot liquid and brought it to your lips. You blushed and propped yourself up a little and allowed Gerard to slip the spoon in your mouth.

He kept doing this until you finished the entire bowl. He set the bowl down on the nightstand and you laid down properly. "Thank you Gee, for taking care of me." You said, rubbing your sore belly. Gerard smiled down at you and petted your hair again.

"You're welcome (y/n). You know I'll always be here to take care of you, my little kitten." He said. You sighed happily at him stroking your hair and closed your eyes. Gerard kissed your forehead and crawled in bed next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Sweet dreams sugar. Get better soon okay?" He cooes before kissing your head one last time before falling asleep himself.


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