27) Master Of The Wicked

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This is for @yallneedgeesus---

You grunted as you strolled through the woods. You were a young demon. And by young, you were 17, which is practically an infant for demons. Even younger. Someone who is 1700 is 17 years old as a human. But you're not there yet. You angrily punched a tree, causing it to break in half and fall over.

There weren't any good souls around here to feed on. You prefer pure souls. As in virgin. It was nighttime which meant you weren't the only demonic being out and about. There's other demons, vampires, ghosts, and proxies. Vampires were the worst of them all. They loved the torment young demons like you.

You could see your house in the distance and sped up towards it. You thought you were going to be safe when you bumped into someone. You fell back and looked up at the man with long black hair and red eyes. He smiled and flashed his fangs. Great, a fucking vampire. "Hey sugar!" He said, his red eyes glowing.

You stood up and tried walking past him, but that wasn't happening. From behind, he wrapped his arm around your waist and nuzzled his face in your hair. "Where're you going? Are you lost little demon?" He purred, running his fingers through your hair and smelling your neck.

You shivered and tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong. The vampire starts kissing and sucking your neck. You growled and punched him a few times. "Settle down little one." He warned, but still said it in a coo. You whimpered as he dug his sharp nails into your collarbone and scratched up your to your neck, drawing blood.

He bit down hard on your neck. He pulled back and ran his tongue over where he bit, stinging the fresh wounds. He kept doing this for a bit longer, which made your cry out. He then bit down on the front of your neck and you could feel him release some of his venom into you.

He kept running his nails all over your body, ripping up your clothes and making you bleed all over. He stopped the process and bit down on the other side of your neck and drank a large amount of your blood. You couldn't move. You were so weak. He bit down on your collarbone bone, over a massive scratch and poured more of his venom in you.

You tried to scream but all that came out was a tiny squeak. "Aw! That's so adorable! I just might keep you. Well, you're already mine anyways since I am the one who turned you." He cooed darkly. The man finally stopped attacking and held you bridal style. He leaned down and kissed you.

You were too weak to fight him off. He slid his tongue in your mouth and you could taste your blood on his tongue. He pulled away and kissed your ear. "I'm Gerard by the way. Your new master! Don't worry, I'll take really good care of you." He whispered. Your head fell on his shoulder as he carried you back to your house.

What'd you think? I may write a fan fiction about this.


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