61) "I've Never Met A Villain That I Liked..."

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For @Myglabella

You were sitting in your secret hideout listening to the police radio and waiting for where to go to stop another villain. "Party Poison was just spotted off of I 97 with a truck full of explosives on his trying to head off into New Jersey!" An officer announces. You groaned. Party Poison. The most dangerous and annoying criminal of them all.

He had just recently escaped from Arkham Asylum and is trying to leave New York and escape to New Jersey. You sigh and suit up. Once you get your suit on, you head out. You ran/drove/flew (you decide) to the boarder of Gotham where you see a bunch of police cars chasing a semi truck.

The semi drove through a tunnel. The police cars went racing inside, only for the tunnel to explode. You quickly ran inside and managed to get all the police men and women out with only a few minor injuries. "(S/h/n)!" Yells the chief in shock. ( (S/h/n) means super hero name.).

"The tunnel is completely destroyed! There's no way we're gonna catch this guy. It's over!" He groaned. "No it's not!" Before the chief could protest, you were already chasing after Party Poison. You came up fast on him. You could see the reflection of his red tie and black hair blowing in the wind from the mirror.

You jumped up on top of the truck. Party stuck his head out the window and turned his head at a 180 degree angle and looked at you. He was half vampire after all. He glared at you and tried to shake you off, but that wasn't going to work. "Party Poison! It's over! Pull over now!" You shout.

Party smirks. "Okay!" He makes a sharp turn into an old warehouse. Before you could react, the semi truck crashes into the building, sending you flying forward and through a wall. One of the explosives went off. You were on the ground groaning in pain. A figure walks out from the smoke.

Party Poison stood above you. You looked directly into his mascaraed mask that hid his eyes. You've never seen them before. He looked a you with a shit eating grin. "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite hero!" He crackled. You weakly stood up and faced him. "Why don't you take a bath?!" You sneered, looking at his greasy hair.

He tsked three times and pinned you to the wall. "You know I can't right now. I have no where to stay! That's why I'm going back to my hometown in New Jersey. But not before I blow up New York!" He sneered that last part. "You're not going anywhere but back to the asylum!" You sneered back.

He threw his head back and laughed. "You are such a naive child! There's nothing you can do about it, sugar! I'm going home! And you're coming with me!" He says with a dark smile. You bite your lip when he strokes your cheek. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" You say, trying to sound brave, but for some reason, you sounded like a frightened puppy.

He grins and licks your neck, making you shiver. "Why don't you drop the hero act? Run away with me!" He coos. You whimper when he bites down on your neck and licks the blood that's pooling out. You squirm in his grip. You grab his mask and yank it off. He looks at you and growls lowly.

You looked directly into his eyes, seeing them for the first time. They were a beautiful hazel color. A perfect mixture of brown and green. You completely forgot about the fact that your neck was bleeding and blushed. Party Poison grinned and suddenly started kissing you.

You don't know why, but you kissed back. At first the kiss was sweet, passionate, but then got rough once he forced his tongue into your mouth. You moaned at the feeling. You could taste your blood on his tongue. He reached a hand down and grabbed your crotch. You whimpered under him.

He grinned, knowing now he had full control over you. You had let him have the upper hand in dominating you. And you foolishly fell for it. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at you. "Anytime you want..." You whispered. "What?" He rose an eyebrow. "You told me to run away with you. And I said, anytime you want."

Party Poison grinned and lifted you up. "You're mine." He growled. "Yours, Party..." you moaned. "Call me Gerard." He whispered. "O-okay. Gerard. You know... I've never met a villain that I liked." He chuckled. "Get used to it sugar. Because you're mine. Forever!"

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