54) Shampoo and Starbucks

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This will actually be in my story Sparks Against The railing. This will have the main character for it, Collin Dashly. I haven't worked on that book in a while, so here's a sneak peak at future updates. This was originally an X Reader which is why it's in this one shot book xD


The tour bus was finally pulling into the parking lot of the hotel we were staying at. We had been on the bus for 12 days straight and we were all eager to take a shower. Though, there's only one shower in the hotel and we all sort of have to race for it. "I'm showering first!" Gerard say.

"Just because you're the lead singer, doesn't mean you get to go first!" Said Bob. "Fuck you guys! I'm showing first! I'm the fastest runner!" Frank argues. "Pff, oh please! I'm the tallest, so I'll be able to run faster than you to the shower!" Ray protests. Mikey scoffed. "You may be the tallest, but I have the longest legs!"

I chuckled slightly. The rest of the band was too distracted with their dorky arguing to realize that I was standing right in front of the bus's door, so I'd be the first to run to the shower! Once the driver parked and opened the door, I grabbed my suit cases and bolted into the hotel, with the rest of the band running and yelling after me.

Once I was in the hotel, I immidiantly dropped my guitar case on one of the beds and jumped in the bathroom. Gerard tried barging in, but I quickly pushed the door shut. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" The guys groaned.

I giggled and put my rode on the counter and stripped down. As I was turning the shower on, I noticed something. I didn't bring my shampoo with me! I know I had it! I must of dropped it when I was running in here. I poke my head out of the door and see my shampoo on the floor near my suit case.

Shit... I cant go out there and get it. Even with my robe on, if I leave the bathroom, someone else with rush in. I sighed. I had to get someone to get me my shampoo. I looked around and sighed when I see Gerard is the closest to me. "Psst! Gerard!" I whispered/yelled to him.

He looked at me and smirked. "What? Want me to join you or something?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right... I need you to get my shampoo for me, please." He looked at me, then at my shampoo, then at me again. "Nope! Get it yourself sugar!" He sassed. I groaned.

"Okay, look... if you bring me my shampoo, I'll give you my Starbucks gift card my uncle gave me for my birthday. It's got 100 dollars on it!" There's no way he'd refuse that offer. "Y-you're bluffing!" He protested. I sighed but then shrugged. "Fine. I'll just throw it out then. I never go to Starbucks anyways, so..."

Just before I could shout the door, Gerard burst in, holding my shampoo. Good thing I had my robe on. "HOW COULD YOU JUST WASTE A PERFECTLY GOOD STARBUCKS GIFT CARD LIKE THAT?! GIVE IT!!!" He shouts. I burst out laughing. I got my wallet out of my discarded jeans and gave him the card.

Gerard snatched it from me and threw the shampoo at me. I rolled my eyes and picked it up. "THANK YOU SUGARRRRRR!" He squealed before running out of the hotel and to the nearest Starbucks. I chuckled and shook my head. "What a dork."

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