10) I'm So Dirty Babe PART 2

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You woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was really cold and your skin was littered with goosebumps. You tried to rub your tired eyes but you couldn't move. There were large cuffs bound to your wrists above your head and you were shackled to the cold stone wall. You began to hyperventilate.

You remembered that Gerard knocked you out. "Oh good! You're awake!" You heard his familiar jersey accent speak up. There he sat in front of splatters of blood and a bloody hammer. The stench finally getting to you. You'd cover your nose but your wrists were still shackled.

"G-Gerard why?" You squeaked. He stood up and stepped over the blood. Bloody footsteps trailed behind him as he stepped closer. He was wearing the same outfit from before, only it was all cleaned now. "Wh-where are we?" You asked, pushing yourself against the wall as he came closer.

"Somewhere safe. Nobody will find us here. Especially the police." He said now standing in front of you. You began to shake, your shackles making a jiggling sound and tears streamed down your face. "Aw sugar, don't cry. You're safe here." Gerard cooed, wiping away your tears.

"Safe?" You whimpered. "Y-you came home covered in blood, you took me to some place I don't even know, there's a bloody hammer on the floor and you chained me to the wall!" You cried. Gerard rolled his eyes. "Ok, I had a client I had to deal with, don't worry about the blood on the floor or the hammer.

And I had to chain you up so you wouldn't go anywhere when you woke up. I was busy earlier and just came here to check up on you when you woke up. These pigs are after me... after you. They were trying to take you away from me. I can't let that happen. You're mine. I have to protect you (y/n)!"

He said, resting his forehead on yours. "I love you so much! If I lose you I'll snap!" He cooed, planting kisses on your forehead. You've already snapped. Gerard reached up and you felt the shackles on your wrist come off and rubbed your wrists. Your arms were numb from lack of blood circulation.

"I promise I won't ever hurt you (y/n)! We can stay here and I can always protect you." He said, his thumbs wiping away your still falling tears. He lifted you into his arms bridal style and carried you up the stairs. There was even more blood throughout the basement and a lot more tools and blades.

You just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Unfortunately that wasn't happening. This was reality. Your psycho of a boyfriend brought you into a small bedroom and sat you down on the bed beside him. He still kept his arms around you, preventing you from breaking free.

"Don't be so scared now sugar. You're safe now. They wanted to hurt you. They can't hurt you now!" Gerard said, rocking you back and forth. "Th-they? Wh-who's they?" You asked, still (obviously) scared and traumatized. "Shhhh." Gerard shushed, kissing your forehead.

"People that wanted to hurt you. But now they can't. You're here with me, and I can keep you safe here. Forever. I love you so much (y/n)!" He said, planting kisses all over your face. That was it. Your life is over. You're trapped here with your murderous boyfriend. Perhaps you will go crazy and go on killing sprees with him.

And that's what you did.


Gerard Way Drabbles and One Shots [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora