11) Why You Little... (Drabble)

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Imagine you are on the My Chem tour bus with Gerard Way because you are dating. He keeps stealing your coffee so you decide to pull a little prank on him. When you make your coffee you put salt in it instead of sugar. You purposely leave it out unguarded and wait.

You sit near the bunks and act like you don't notice Gerard walk right passed you towards the back of the bus where you left your coffee. You listen to him swipe your coffee and then spit it out. "HA! GOTCHA! That's what you get for always stealing my coffee Gee!" You yelled, the other members staring at you.

Gerard turns back to you and glares. "Why you little..." He says, marching over to you. You bolt right up and start running away from him, laughing your ass off and Gerard chasing after you. He was quickly catching up to you and you were almost out of room to run. You couldn't hop off the bus since it was moving.

You only made it halfway down before he tackled you. You struggled under his but he trapped you by straddling your waist. "You caught me, now what?" You sassed. "Now this!" He said and started to tickle you all. You screamed and laughed and tried to push him away, but he was much stronger.

"HAHAHAHA STOHAHAHAP!" You laughed. "Apologize!" Gerard yells. "HAHA FINE FINE SORRY!" You laughed. Gerard stopped tickling you and smiled in triumph. You crossed your arms and pouted. "Stop stealing my coffee!" You pouted. "Stop leaving it out!" Gerard said with a sassy smile.

"You're an asshole." You grumbled. Gerard laughed and pulled you up into a bear hug. "Yes but you love me!" He said the attacked your face with kisses. "Get a room." Mikey chimed in. Gerard grabs your face and roughly makes out with you and flips off his younger brother.


Gerard Way Drabbles and One Shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now