62) Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me

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Hey, everyone! I know I haven't updated this book in like a year. But, I wanted to let you know that it's coming to an end. Im ending this one shot book. After this, there's one more draft saved, and then it'll be over. I want to thank you all so much for all your support. You're all amazing! And I hope you enjoy these last two one shots.

You sighed as you rang up another late night customer. You worked at Starbucks, and tonight you were closing. The Starbucks you work at is right across the street from a high school, so the place often get a lot of teenagers in here. There was this one teenager in particular who had taken a liking to you.

His name is Gerard Way. He keeps flirting with you and trying to hook up with you. You're 21 years old, and he's like, what? 16? 17? It's not gonna happen, and he needs to deal with it! "Aw, come on, sugar, you know you want me!" He said with a grin as he gently twirled his baseball bat.

Oh yeah, he's also a delinquent. "Forget it, Gerard! I'm not fucking a teenager!" He growled. He laughed. You could see his delinquent friends sitting at a table, being loud as ever cheering him on. "My friends and I need more coffee. Come bring us some more." He said, slipping some money between your boobs.

You quickly grabbed his wrist. "Don't even!" He hissed. "Are you putting your hands on a customer? Won't you get fired for that?" He asked in a mocking tone. You growled and walked away to make more coffee for him and his stupid friends. "He will end up getting me fired if he keeps this shit up." You mumbled under your breath.

You finished making them their coffees and walked over to their table. You set their drinks down in front of them. "Don't even think about it." He grumbled when you saw Gerard about to slap your ass. "You know I can't help it when I'm feeling frisky." He said then smacked your ass.

You stood up and grabbed his tie, pulling him out of his seat. "You little brat! If you weren't a minor I'd kick your ass!" You yelled at him. You guys were the only ones in the shop, so no one was around to see this aside from his friends. His friends fell silent while Gerard had a small grin on his face. "Babe, I'm 18, I'm not a minor!" He chuckled.

"Oh? Then I'll feel no shame in doing this!" You let go of him and slapped him as hard as you could across the face. His friends loudly howled "OHHHHHHHH!" As Gerard sat back down, holding his cheek. The clock struck midnight and you stormed back behind the counter. "We're closed! Get out!" You barked at them.

All but Gerard snickered. They all picked up their drinks and left. Gerard shot you a glare before he left. You just flipped him off. Maybe now he'll finally leave you alone. You took off your apron and put in in you locker, grabbing your keys. You locked up and left through the back.

Maybe I was a little harsh. You thought. Just then, in the small alleyway you were in, you could hear something being dragged across the ground. You quickly turned around to see Gerard walking towards you. He was dragging his bat on the ground. "(Y/n)." He called. Your heart started racing. You had pissed him off and now he was gonna beat you up.

You grabbed you keys and scrambled to u luck the back door to Starbucks, but Gerard grabbed you by the back of your shirt and slammed you into the wall behind you. You went to grab your pepper spray, but he grabbed your wrists and pinned them over your head. "LET GO OF ME!!!" You screamed.

"Shhhh, calm your tits." He breathed down your neck. You struggled, but he was a lot stronger than you. "How are you this strong?!" I barked. He just grinned. "Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you're stronger than me." He said with a sly grin. He pressed his body against yours so you couldn't move.

Your heart was racing. He grinned even more. "I can feel your heart racing." I breathed. You whimpered. "You're so fragile, be a shame if you broke." He said, squeezing her wrists tightly. You let you a cry. "S-stop!" You cried. He used one hand to keep your hands in place, while his other moved to your chin and pulled it up, making you look at him.

You looked at him and saw lust in his eyes. He quickly kissed you. You clenched your fists and shut your eyes. He deepened the kissed and put his free hand hand on your waist. He rubbed his thumb up and down. His gestures for some reason were enough to make you kiss back. You felt him grin into the kiss.

He moved his hand from your waist to one of your boobs and began squeezing. This made you moan, and when you did, he slipped his tongue in your mouth. He let got of your wrists and squeezed your other boob. You moved your arms around his neck and kept kissing him.

He reached under your skirt and grabbed your thighs, pulling your legs around his hips. You blushed when you felt something poking you. Gerard pulled away from the kiss, only to start kissing your neck. He pulled you from the wall and pinned you to the hood of his car that he parked back here.

You leaned your head back and moaned when he sucked real hard on your neck. You could hear him undoing his belt. Your heart started racing again. This was really happening. You don't know what made you change your mind, but you wanted him. Gerard rummaged around, still kissing your neck. He slipped his hand under your skirt and moved your underwear to the side. And you know the rest.

Time skip

You laid on the hood of his car, a panting mess while Gerard was still on top of you. "I can't believe-" You cut yourself off to catch your breath. Gerard smirked. "That you let me do that to ya?" He finished. You nodded. "So... does this mean you'll go out with me?" He asked.

"Well, we did just have sex on your car, in the middle of an alleyway." You said. He smiled and leaned down and kissed you gently. "So that's a yes?" He asked. You ruffles up his hair. "Yes, silly! Like you said, you're 18, so it's perfectly legal. But, let's not be banging each other again until after you've graduated." You replied. "Fair." He smiled gently and kissed you again.

Gerard Way Drabbles and One Shots [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin