14) Perfect

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Trigger warning ⚠️

You didn't exactly have the easiest life. You're parents never were married but you were always with your father, even though he was a traveling rock star. You are (Y/n) Way, daughter of Gerard Way. Your mother's name is (M/n). Or was.

Your mother killed herself over stress of having a child at a young age when you were only 9 and you were now 13. Gerard hasn't really been the same ever since. He's gone back to his old drinking habits. Your relationship with him has gone down hill.

He is always putting you down and making you feel like everything is your fault. You can't even get through one conversation with you two arguing. You're surprised he hasn't hit you yet. Your uncle Mikey has offered to take Gerard to court and demand custody of you.

But you knew that would cause serious problems between the brothers and could result into My Chemical Romance breaking up. Right now you were downstairs waiting for your dad to return home form touring. It was 3 in the morning.

Was there really any point? Of course! Despite your lack of a father and daughter relationship, he was still your dad. You still loved him... even if he didn't love you back. The front door swung open and the smell of alcohol and sweat immediately filled the apartment.

Your dad stood in the doorway with two suitcases in hand. You got up from the couch and walked over to him, not bothering to look at him. "Um, hi dad, w-welcome home. I've missed you." You said quietly. Gerard nudged the door shut with the back of his foot and just nodded at you.

He walked to his bedroom to unpack his things, bumping into you. He just rolled his eyes and went off to his bedroom. You sighed and sat back down on the couch. You weren't tired so you didn't bother going to bed.

After a few minutes Gerard came out and into the little kitchen to make himself coffee. You stood up and walked over to him and poked his arm. "D-dad?" You asked. He stopped what he was doing and stared down at you. His hazel eyes burning into your (e/c) ones.

"What?" He asked so firmly. You had to look away from him. You felt like you would die under his gaze. What. That was the first word he had spoken since he got home. Sighing, your dad turned away from you and went back to making coffee.

"Damn it child, if you have nothing important to say to me then don't bother talking to me at all! You're so useless sometimes!" Gerard barked. That was the final straw. With tears streaming down your face you ran into your bedroom and started packing.

You were going to run away. You were going to do your dad a favor by getting out of his life. He'd be better off without you anyways. You knew he'd be so much happier without the burden of having to watch over his 13 year old daughter that he leaves home alone half the time.

You packed up as much as you could and decided perhaps you should leave a note. You knew Gerard didn't care, but you still cared about him so you wanted to tell him what you were doing, but not where you were going.


I know you don't care, but I'm leaving this letter anyways. You know, I used to look up to you. We used to be so close. But now it's like you don't even love me. I feel like I'm just a burden in your life. I try not to think about the pain I feel inside. Did you know you used to be my hero? But nothing's gonna change the things that you've said. How I'm so useless or I'm just a waste of space. Oh yeah I can never do anything right. I'm just a lost cause with no hope that just slowing you down. I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you but you don't understand. I'm sorry I can't be perfect. But you don't ever have to worry about that anymore, because you don't ever have to put up with me anymore. But just so you know, even though you don't love me anymore, I will always love you. Goodbye forever,


You were sobbing at this point and a few tears got on the paper. You took a minute to calm down and left the note on your nightstand. You opened your window and hopped out. Your apartment was on the first floor anyways. You didn't bother to look back. There was nothing to look back on.

One week later

For the past week you had been staying your friend's house. Their mom was really nice enough to let you stay here. (F/n) and his or her mom knew about you and your dad's poor relationship. From time to time you'd go online to see how My Chemical Romance was doing, but there was nothing new going on.

You sat in the guest bedroom listening to Perfect by Simple Plan. The song that literally describes your entire life. You had actually used some of these lyrics in your note you left your dad. (F/n) suddenly walked in during the second course of the song.

"(Y/n) come downstairs. There's something you NEED to see." They said urgently. "Ok." You said. You turned off the stereo and followed your friend downstairs. He or she turned the news on and your jaw dropped. A picture of you was showing with the word missing written underneath.

"13 year old (y/n) Way, daughter of lead singer Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance is missing. Gerard Way said he noticed she was gone in the afternoon later after he returned from a tour with his band and has been missing for a week now." The reporter says.

Tears streamed down your face and you covered your mouth. Does this mean he cares? The camera zoomed out and standing next to the reporter was none other than your dad. "Gerard, anything you'd like to say?" She asked before holding the microphone to him.

"Yes actually. (Y/n) and I have been struggling a lot with each other, and I know I've been acting like such an ass but I'm messed up! And I know that's no excuse but I need my daughter! Aside from the band she's all I have. This past week has been a train wreck!

I'd do anything just to get my baby girl back! I'll quit drinking, I'll quit the drugs, hell I'd even quit My Chemical Romance if it meant I got (y/n). I'd do it all! Because I love her! (Y/n)... please... come home!" By the end of his speech you were both in tears.

I can't believe what I've done! You ran upstairs, packed your things and ran home. You didn't bother knocking. You just burst right through your apartment. "DAD?!" You called out. You heard a thud and scrambling around coming from Gerard's bedroom.

"(Y/N)?!" Your dad yelled hopefully. His bedroom door swung open. You both stayed frozen for a moment, tears streaming down both of your faces. "Oh my god, you're alive!" He yelled/sobbed. You both ran towards each other and he lifted you up in his arms.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry for everything! I do care about you! I love you so much! Nothing will ever change that! I promise I'll change! I'll get better for you!" You dad sobbed. You hugged back and cried on his shoulder. "Dad? Please, promise me that, no matter what you quit.

Weather it's drinking, drugs, cigarettes or even drinking coffee, please promise me that you'll never quit on me or your band!" You cried. "Anything for you pumpkin!" Gerard said. He put you down and kissed your forehead.

"Things are going to change from now on." He said, wiping away your tears. "I'm going to start being the better father you deserve to have. I love you so much (y/n)!" He said with a faint smile. "I love you too dad!"

This was the saddest thing I had to write.


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