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I watched James, Chris, and Brandon pick on David while we were waiting for the busses to pull up. James knocked David's glasses off,and they all started laughing. David was crying; snot was coming from his nose.

I felt bad, but I didn't want them to pick on me for helping him. Chris pushed him down. Kimi came over after a minute to help David up.

"You guys are all so mean. I hope you grow up and have the worst life ever." Kimi glared at all of us as David wiped his nose on his sleeve. James gave Kimi a wide smile. "What ever nerd lover." Kimi stomped on James toe, and he grabbed it howling in pain.

Chris grabbed, and pulled at Kimi's hair. "Apologize." Brandon nodded. "Yeah apologize." I stayed quiet. I had a bad feeling though. I looked aorund, but none of the teachers were around at the moment. "No you are so stupid."

Kimi yank her arm around from Brandon, and pushed Chris for grabbing her hair.

Chris and Brandon grabbed Kimi tight by her arms. "Let me go!" Kimi screamed. James leaned foward kissing Kimi while she squealed as if she was grossed out. Chris and Brandon laughed loud.

"I was Kimi's first kiss." James taunted Kimi.

Kimi ran off crying. I hung my head feeling bad. She seemed really upset. Lexi, Brandy, and Ellie had all been picked up by their rides. Kimi sat on a bench far away from us. Bus #12 pulled up, and James, and Brandon got on saying bye to me a Chris.

I looked at Chris."Don't tell James okay?" I begged.

James actually really liked Kimi, but he didn't know how to tell her, but I was kinda feeling her too. She was the cutest girl in our grade. I walked over and sat by her. I had never really talked to a girl before.

"Are you okay?" Kimi ignored me. I saw my bus pull up. "Look I know he seems mean, but he's a cool guy once you get know him. I'm sorry about your kiss." Kimi ignored me still. I felt really bad. "Kimi.." Kimi turned to look at me, and our eyes met. I froze.

"Leave me alone." Kimi told me bitterly as she got up and ran back into the building. I sat there for a minute trying to figure out what I was feeling before I got up and got on the bus.

                                 Kayla, Olivia, and me were all eating together. It was the first time in weeks when they were both off on the same day. "Shawn, I'm taking you to the doctor tomorrow. So you won't have school." Kayla told me. I started to nod, but Olivia looked at me.

"Okay." I responsed.

I put down my fork looking at my sister's. "How do I talk to a girl?" I wondered. Kayla smiled. "Why? Do you like a girl?" Olivia put her cup down. "You don't. Tou focus on your schoolwork. Girls will only get you in trouble."

I wanted to punch Olivia in her throat.

I turned to look at Kayla to avoid doing that. "I don't know. She was crying so I went to go make her feel better, and she told me leave her alone." Kayla smiled. "Well sometimes girls need there space Shawnie." I nodded. "Speak Shawn." I heard Olivia. She was really getting  my nerves.

"Okay Kayla."

                        I went to bed later on thinking about Kimi hoping that she was okay. She had some really pretty shiny hair. I smiled. She was really cute. I wondered if she would cry if she gave me a kiss.

She probably would beause I was friend with James. James wasn't that bad though.

I wish I could have made Kimi feel better. She was always really nice to everybody she didn't deserve to cry. I started thinking about Kimi a lot more than I should have, and I felt something harden in my pajama bottoms.

I reach down feeling around for it to find out that it was me. I was a little freaked out, and I thought about calling for Kayla, but I started tryna figure out how to play with it, like Chris had done at the sleep over.

It started to feel really good.

I though about Kimi playing with it for me, and  then after a minute of doing that I felt like I pissed myself. I sat up examining my blanket. It was wet. Oh shit I just wet the bed. I shook my head at myself. It didnt smell like pee though.

                                      I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and go back to bed.

"Shawn stand on the scale for me." I followed the nurses orders standing on the scale to get my weight. Kayla smiled at me holding her purse strap on her shoulder. I smiled back watching the nurse play with the bar at the top of the scale.

I tried to read it but didn't really know how to. "How much is it?" The nurse jotted it down on a folder she was holding. "You weigh 98 pounds." Kayla seemed surprised. "We need to feed you some pasta boy." The nurse and Kayla laughed together. I didn't get it as the nurse lead me and Kayla into the first room.

We were waiting for while, until the doctor finally came in. He was asking me a lot of questions, while touching me. His hands were ice cold.

                              I put my clothes back on when he was finished, and me and Kayla left.

I walked beside Kayla as we went grocery shopping for the house. Dude after Dude kept looking at her. I was getting tired of it, and especially when one turned all the around to look at her butt. I glared at him.

"Nigga what are you looking at."

Kayla's eyes widen. "Shawn!" She thumped me in the head. I rubbed my head. "He was looking at you. I don't like that." I told her. Kayla looked around. "Who?" I pointed. "He went up there. Want me to get him for you. I will I don't like them looking at you like that." I told her. Kayla smiled. "I can already tell your gonna be protective."

I shrugged. "I'm fine Shawn. I can handle this." Kayla waved her hand over herself. I laughed hugging her. "And stop before I have to cut some dude over you, you know you don't look your age." I dropped some fruit snacks in the cart when Kayla wasn't looking, but she saw them, and told me just this once.

I smiled. "Yes"

Kayla laughed at me as we moved to the front of the store. I stood in the back Kayla so no dude could look at her ass. I even held her waist. I was a little tall than her since she was so short. I was her nigga now as far as I was concerned.

Kayla laughed. "Shawn, help me put the stuff up on there so she can ring us out. The girl was looking at me really hard while I put the stuff on the conveyor belt. "He's 12 Kayla finally told her after a minute of us staring at each other." I was only looking at her cause she was looking at me.

She was ugly. I mean worst looking than Ellie.

The girl's eyes widened, and she looked away. Kayla laughed a little. "Its okay, your not the only person who has thought he was like 15." I ignored them both taking the fruit snacks as soon as she scanned them I was eating them out the box.

Kayla just shook her head at me paying for everything.


Kayla&Olivia (picture)


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