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              " That bitch...she has the audacity. ..ugh..next chapter please!"


I was ignoring everybody.

I wasn't talking to nobody.

I shut down.

I shut everybody out. I didn't want nobody to say a motherfucking thing to me. I ended up fighting C because he started talking side ways to me like he knew how I was feeling, like he could relate.

                                                           No could understand how I was feeling.

Kayla, and Olivia couldn't tell me nothing, I started getting high every single day. Vodka, and Malt Liquor were my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I stopped going to the hospital.

I couldn't make myself go anymore. I didn't wanna see Kimi laying lifelessly in bed with only a  machine to keep her breathing so she wouldn't pass on.

She was legally dead by law.

The bottle of Vodka was snatched away from me. I looked up to see it was Olivia. I was drunk as I watch her head split in two. "This is the only way to numb the pain." I told her. Olivia pulled me to her hugging me.

"Shawn, please stop this baby. You're to young. Kimi would not like if you were doing this." I laughed. "Than she should have stayed with me. If she cared about me than she would still be here."

I shoved her away.

Olivia sighed. "Shawn, have you ever though that maybe she just wanted you to stop suffering?" I laughed even harder. "So this is gonna stop me from having a broken heart? Fuck that shit.  Fuck her for leaving me. I don't even care anymore, hand me that bottle please."

Olivia tilted the bottle upside down emptying it out onto the carpet. "Shawn, I know its hard, but Kimi would want you to go above and beyond. I loved that little girl. She pushed you forward. She motivated you, and she would want you to keep that up. Think about that Shawn before you ruin your life."

Olivia threw the empty bottle on my bed. I heard her, but I didn't want to move on. I didn't ask for this shit. I got up to shut my bedroom door. I lit up the weed I had got from one of my homeboys at school. I went into another place as I took pull after pull trying to forget.

                   "Fuck this project." I tossed my math book across the living room. Kimi glared at me. "Shawn! You better do your homework before we don't get into FSU together. You better smarten up before I kick your ass just like I did Thomas."

I cut my eyes at her.

I know she was tryna make me laugh,but that shit wasn't funny. I guess she saw my face because she sighed and walked over to kiss me.

"I'm sorry, but baby you can't let stupid little assignments throw you off your game. Your really smart."

I know I was suppose to be listening, but her soft body had me swoll. I had some kind of addiction to this girl. She had some kinda spell on me. "Shawn are you listening?" I nodded even though I hadn't been.

"What did I say then?" She asked.

I was at a lost for words, and than she popped me upside the head. I flopped her onto her back holding her wrists to the floor gently. "You keep hitting me, and I'mma wear your ass out." Kimi smile squirming.

"Lets go. Let my wrists go." I let her go wrestling her to the ground again. We rolled around laughing, and breathing heavily as Kayla came walking in. She just shook her head at us. "You two stay fighting. Here I got you guys your favorite candy."

Kayla dropped a bag of sugar beside us.

We both laughed. I loved sugar just as well as Kimi did. Kayla smiled throwing us both a bag of skittles instead as she picked up the sugar. "It been like 24 hours Kimi." I told her. I cupped her breasts watching out for Kayla.

"Shawn all you think about is sex when were together." I nodded. "I love making love to you. I love you."

Kimi blushed with a smile. "Well if you do your homework than you might just get your wish."

I made sure every answer was right when I got done. Kimi studied my homework. She gave me a pretty smile. "You are so smart Shawn. We gonna rock this college, and be rich!" We both slapped a five.

Kimi gave me exactly what she promised.

My bed had never bumped the wall so hard before. I really didn't give a shit about Olivia, and Kayla hearing me. They knew we were fucking. I locked my door. I covered Kimi's mouth that time as I tamed that pussy that late evening.

We finished, and I moved from off her cuddling her. "Shawn, I'm gonna get pregnant if we don't stop messing around so much." I smiled. "I'll be the daddy, just as long as you promise to be the mommy." I told her.

Kimi laughed,"Boy I am not tryna get pregnant."

            I smiled putting my blunt out as the memory seemed to make my heart ache a little less. Kimi was always tryna do everything perfectly. I leaned my head against the wall. I didn't know how I would do it without her.

She was the only who motivated me to do anything.

Kimi would kill me if she knew what I was doing right now. I laughed a little thinking about her coming out of her coma just to beat my ass because I was smoking, and drinking.

Olivia was right, but I still wanted Kimi here with me.

                                I made a vow to myself to stay self motivated for me, and for Kimi. I promised myself I would find her killer. I didn't care how long it took. I promised myself that I wouldn't let no other women have her place. I vowed to myself that I would never fall in love.

                                             No other women could ever hold a candle to Kimi.

She had become my everything so quickly.

                                                                             Everything seemed rushed.

It seemed like we were only just sophomores, and I had asked her to be with me, then she got pregnant, and I was only left with only memories of her now. Everything was in fast forward, and I couldn't slow anything down.

                                      I just wish I could have got to hear her say she loved me on last time.

I threw the left over bottles of alcohol out along with the rest of the weed I had. I was gonna do the best I could for Kimi.

  What hurt me the most is when Kimi's Mom called me several months later and told me that she had pulled the plug to the machine that kept Kimi alive.

She told me not to call her anymore.

She told me she wanted to forget everything.

She was just going to live her life. The pain she was feeling was to much. She told me to keep Cole, and she never wanted to see him.

                                                      I never even got to say my last Good-bye...


#3rd and last Update of the night :)

  [Pic of Kimi]

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