This is a Wasteland

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"Daaaaaad." I said as I poked my father's cheek. He opened one of his brown eyes to glare at me.

"What is it, Juliet?" He asked.

"Hime took Jellybean in his sleep and I can't get her out of his grip and I can't get to sleep." I said softly so I wouldn't wake any of the others up. I tried to wake Jaime up but he just pushed me away.

Dad sat up a little bit in his bunk and I couldn't help myself from blushing a little. I hated waking him up when I couldn't sleep. I also hated the fact I was a teenager who still slept with a stuffed animal. Dad made room in his bunk before holding the covers up for me. I climbed in the bunk and hugged up to him as he wrapped an arm around me. He glanced at his cell phone as he closed the curtain, the light giving a soft glow in the bunk, "You're just now going to bed? It's almost five in the morning."

I nodded into his shoulder, "I was reading and didn't realize what time it was."

Dad sighed before pulling me tighter into him, "Just get some sleep. Night, Jules."

"Night, Dad."

I didn't sleep with Dad often, not since I got older, anyways. As I listened to his heartbeat get slower and fall into a steady rhythm I felt a comfort I haven't felt in a long time. I smiled and wrapped my arm around Dad's waist and snuggled into him. I must have woken him slightly as he leaned his head down and planted a kiss on the top of my head before he started breathing heavily.


I felt something soft touching my face. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before turning to look at Jaime, who was holding Jellybean in front of my face and making her soft pink nose touch my cheek. Jaime grinned, dimples forming in his cheeks, "Here you are, Baby Turtle."

I took Jellybean into my arms before snuggling back into Dad and falling back asleep.


I woke up to something heavy trying to move above me, crushing me here and there. I groaned and raised my arm to my face, hitting the person with my elbow in the process.

"Ow, fuck, Jules." Dad said as he finally got out of the bunk.

"You deserved it for crushing me, fatty."

Dad put his hand over his heart as if he was offended, "I'm not fat."

I saw Mike appear from the back lounge, "It's about time you two turtles woke up."

Dad turned to Mike, "She called me fat and all you can say is it's about time we woke up?"

I felt the bus come to a halt and rolled over, away from my dad and uncle. I was still tired from going to bed early in the morning. When I was younger I had a set bed time. I had to be in bed no matter what by nine. If I wasn't tired then the guys would snuggle with me and take turns singing to me until I did fall asleep. To be honest Dad's never been much of a singer but I still loved hearing his lullabies.

A strong arm wrapped around me and pulled me out of the bunk. A surprised squeak came out of my mouth as they ran out of the bus with me. I couldn't hold onto them so instead I held onto Jellybean and kept my eyes closed in case they dropped me. The one holding me arranged me so I was being held bridal style before they ran onto a bus and dropped me on someone. I groaned as I fell onto the hard body and tried to get off of them.

"TURTLE WAKE UP SERVICE!" Jaime yelled. I opened my eyes and glared at him before he ran off of the bus.

I heard laughter coming from behind me and turned to see most of I Prevail standing in their kitchen.

"Morning tiny turtle." A sleepy sounding Lee said from beneath me.

I couldn't help the blush that rose onto my cheeks before I got up and ran out of their bus. I was going to beat Jaime for this. He knows I have a crush on Lee. I mean, I know I'm just fourteen and he's twenty-seven so nothing could ever happen, but the crush is still there.

Mike was standing outside of our bus, a cigarette in hand. Instinctively I ran up to him and hugged his side. I didn't like being left alone with people I didn't know well. Jaime knew that yet he still dropped me on I Prevail's bus and left me. Brian is pretty cool and probably the member I'm closest with but I still don't think we're that close. Mike wrapped his arm around me, "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

I looked up at him and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart, "Jaime left me."

Mike looked over at the I Prevail bus and back at me before realizing what I was talking about. Mike shook his head and rubbed my back, "I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. You know how he likes to joke around."

"He threw me on Lee and left." I said softly.

Mike sighed, "Do you need your extra medicine?"

I shook my head. I was having anxiety, but not a full blown attack where I needed my extra pill. Mike nodded his head, "Good. I'll beat Hime's ass in a little bit, now go get ready."

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