Swim Into Your Thoughts

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I slid out of Jaime's bunk when I woke up. I slept a lot yesterday from being so sick. Once again, I'm never drinking. Jaime gave a little whine in his sleep as I left. I smiled a little and kissed his forehead before pulling the blankets over him and tucking him in. I put Jellybean in the crook of my elbow and made my way to the front of the bus. My throat was dry and I needed something to drink. Mike was sitting at the table on his phone, eating an apple pie.

"Is that one of my forgiveness pies?!" I asked loudly.

Mike jumped and looked up at me, "Forgiveness pie?"

"Yesterday Fil brought me an entire bag of apple pies to say sorry for getting me drunk. If that's one of my pies I'll kill you, Fuentes." I said.

Mike lifted the pie up to taunt me, "Bring it Baby Perry."

I sprinted towards Mike. I wanted to shove the pie in his face. That would teach him to never touch my pies again. An arm wrapped around me before I could collide with Mike, pulling me into a familiar chest, "What are you two fighting about this early?"

"Mike's eating one of my forgiveness pies from Fil. I was going to smash it into his face before you stopped me." I said in a huff and stuck my tongue out at Mike. 

Vic laughed from behind me as Mike quickly shoved the rest of the pie into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge. Vic pulled me with him to the counter and kept his arm around me so I wouldn't do anything to his little brother. I yawned and pulled Jellybean up to my face to try and hide the yawn. Vic grabbed the coffee can and filled the coffee maker with water, "Mike, what do you have to say?"

"They weren't labeled. That's free game."

I stuck my middle finger up in Mike's direction before leaning into Vic.

"It was my pie." I whined. Vic smiled before pulling me into a tight hug, "You're still so fucking adorable in the mornings being all grumpy. Never grow up."

Vic planted a kiss on my cheek and I instantly pulled away and wiped my face, "You should brush your teeth."

Mike busted out laughing and Vic sent him a glare before hugging me tighter, "You never used to complain about my kisses."

"Miiiiiiike." I groaned, hoping he would save me from Vic's embrace. Mike just shrugged and moved his gaze back down onto his phone. Vic released me from his grip before quickly picking me up and setting me on the counter, "You used to sit here and lean into me when I made coffee. Do you remember that?"

I nodded. When I was little I woke up early, usually around the same time as Vic. I never really wanted to wake up so Vic would hold me for a while. I remember I kept my head on his shoulder until he had to make coffee. He would set me down on the counter and I would usually wrap my legs around him and lean into his chest holding Jellybean close to me as he fixed the coffee. There's even a picture of us like that from when I was six in the scrapbook the guys keep of me. Mom had started it when I was born but after she died Dad didn't want to do anything with it so Jaime kept it up. Jaime still likes to get disposable cameras because he says getting pictures from our Instagrams printed isn't as fun. 

"How are you feeling, apart from Mike eating one of the pies? Are you still sick?" Vic asked me.

I shook my head. Surely a hangover can't last for that long can it? Unless if you keep drinking and keep the hangover constant, which is pretty stupid. I couldn't help but think about the other night. Dani was so nice when he realized I was drunk. He brought me into the bus and gave me water. But what he said about Fil kind of stuck with me. 

"Vic, would you date me?" I asked.

Vic choked on his breath and looked at me with wide eyes, "Juliet, you're fourteen. I'm thirty-three. I helped raise you and you're like a daughter to me-"

"Not in actuality. I mean," I sighed. How do I even word this? "I've never dated. I've never been kissed. FIl thought Dani was going to have sex with me when I was drunk. Am I not pretty?"

Vic and Mike both let out sighs of relief. Mike stood up and came over to us. He gave me a smile as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb, "Little bunny, you're more than pretty. You're absolutely gorgeous. Right now guys your age are trying to figure themselves out and are completely self conscious around girls."

"Yeah. Puberty makes everything harder at your age. You're so beautiful that guys don't know how to handle themselves around you. They can't control anything and they're super nervous. One day a guy will muster up enough courage to ask you out-" Vic was cut off by Mike, "Who will be torn into pieces by us because no one will touch you."

Vic turned to glare at his younger brother, "We won't tear him into pieces. But we will scare the shit out of him and make sure he doesn't make you cry. Then we might kill him."

I couldn't help but giggle. This was a little embarrassing but it wasn't as embarrassing as getting the talk by Dad and Jaime when I started my period. I freaked out when I found blood in my underwear and the both of them had a hard time explaining it to me. They ended up giving me the sex talk because my body was changing and they wanted to make sure I was prepared if I were to rush into things. 

"You're Tony's daughter by blood, but the three of us adopted you. We love you so much and we want everything that's best for you. Even if that means letting you date." Vic said.

Mike nodded, "Plus, do you ever read comments on Instagram? Guys are all over you."

I blushed and shrugged. I always had too many comments on my Instagram pictures to read them all. Knowing guys actually thought I was pretty was a little too much for me to handle right now. Unless it was just old creepy guys that hit on young girls. Or maybe they only liked me because I'm Tony Perry's daughter?

"But we're not letting them touch you because you're still the innocent little five year old who wanted constant cuddles and gummy bears." Vic said in a baby voice as he pulled me into another tight hug. I groaned and looked up at Mike who just added to the hug.

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