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As much as I didn't want to admit it, but when I noticed Blake in my next class, I sat beside him. He was the only other person in the school I knew by name. It oddly gave me a little bit of comfort. When class was over, we were able to go to lunch. Apparently we were in the third lunch group, meaning everyone was split into a lunch time. I picked up my backpack and silently followed the class outside.

"Hey Juliet!" Russell said as he came up beside me with a big smile on his face, "Looks like you have third lunch, too. Want to sit with me?"

I hadn't even thought about where to sit or who to sit with or if I was going to sit alone. A friendly face would be better than sitting alone. I gave a smile and nodded, "Yes, thank you."

Russell shrugged, "No problem. I know what it's like to be the new kid."

Before I could reply I heard my name being yelled, "JULES!"

It was unmistakably Vic's voice and before it registered in my mind I was yelling out in annoyance, "Whaaat?!"

I'm just trying to be a good new student at a new school and make friends. Wait. Vic? I stopped walking and turned towards where the voice came from. I haven't seen Vic since the day we came home, a week ago. Vic was walking through the grass from the parking lot towards us. I smiled, dropped my backpack, and ran the few feet left between us before hugging him tightly. He chuckled before hugging me back, "Missed me?"

I nodded and pulled away from the hug, "I always miss you. Why are you here? Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine, kiddo. I found your lunch in the refrigerator and Tone started to have a heart attack about you not having it so I thought I'd bring it to you to make him feel better." Vic said before ruffling my hair up. I rolled my eyes. Dad always tries to be a model parent for me. Any time something goes wrong he almost has a panic attack. I can see him freaking out about me leaving my lunch at home.

"Yeah, sounds like Dad." I said and giggled.

Vic took his sunglasses off and hung them on the neck of his shirt. He glanced behind me at Russell for a quick second before looking back at me, "How is your day going so far?"

I shrugged, "Normal. I'm at school. There's nothing else to say."

"Do you want me to stay and eat lunch with you?" 

I shook my head, "No. Russell offered to let me sit with him. Oh, Russell, this is Vic. Vic, this is Russell."

Both did the usual 'nice to meet you' before quickly shaking hands. Vic gave me a small smile, "Good. Tony and I will pick you up after school."

I nodded, "Okay. Thanks for bringing my lunch. See you then."

I was afraid Vic was going to be recognized by one of the few people out here. I didn't want to be known this soon as the girl that knows Pierce The Veil. I turned towards Russell to notice he was holding my floral backpack in his hand. I took it from him and thanked him softly. I forgot I had dropped my backpack in excitement of seeing Vic. 

Russell led me into the lunchroom where everyone was sitting at tables or standing in line. The chatter was loud and reminded me of the groups of people in the crowd right before shows when everyone's talking. Russell lead me to a round table with eight seats before setting his bag down, "So that guy,"

Great. He already knows who Vic is. I bit my lip as I looked over at him, "Yeah?"

"Was he your boyfriend or something?"

"Eww, no." I blurted out. "Vic's like my uncle."

Russell shrugged, "I didn't know. You two seem really close."

"We are. I'm pretty close to my family." I said as I sat down at the table and set the brown lunch bag in front of me. I knew I had two veggie hummus wraps and some brownies Dad and I made last night but I didn't think a drink was packed into the paper bag. Russell gave a smile, "That's cool. I'm going to grab a pizza. You want to join?"

I stood up and pulled my wallet out of my backpack, "Yeah. I need a drink."

We went through the lunch line quickly. I was glad to know the pizza was cheese pizza, so even if Vic didn't bring my lunch I could have told Dad I had cheese pizza. It did look kind of good. Russell also had a side of fries, which made me wish Vic didn't bring me my lunch. I grabbed a cold bottle of Fruit Punch Gatorade and we paid before going back to the table. I couldn't help but notice the table behind us was Blake's table, full of kids who looked like they'd know Pierce The Veil. I felt a bit more at ease with them near us. Our table had more normal looking guys, two of which were wearing Letterman's jackets. 

"Guys, this is Juliet. She's new." Russell said as we sat down. 

I felt the anxiety hit me as everyone looked at me. I looked down at the top of the table as I forced out a small 'Hi'.

The other five guys replied with a hey or how are you. My voice didn't want to work for me so I couldn't reply to anyone. The guy on my right had short black hair and dark green eyes as well as a muscular body, "I'm Andrew."

A girl that looked to be my age wearing all black sat down on the other side of Andrew with a scowl on her face. She looked like she should be at the table with Blake. A blond guy sitting a few seats down set his chicken sandwich down on his plate before looking at the girl, "No one said you were allowed to sit here, freak."

"No one asked for your opinion, jerk."

"Cody, Veronica, don't start." Andrew said sternly. 

Veronica shrugged and pulled out her phone before sticking headphones in and eating her pizza. Russell leaned into me, "Veronica and Andrew are brother and sister. Cody is their cousin. They recently had a fight over a video game so they're both still at each other's throats."

"Sounds like family." I replied as I pulled out my veggie hummus wraps and started to eat. 

Andrew ^

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Andrew ^

Veronica ^

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Veronica ^

Veronica ^

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Cody ^

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