Bite On The Curb

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I walked outside with Vic hot on my trail. Charlie and Mike were both smoking and everyone was laughing about something. I couldn't help myself from blushing when I saw Blake. He was just so attractive when he laughed. I backed up slightly, bumping into Vic. He put his hand on my shoulder in return as if to comfort me.

"I'm just saying, if you get drunk call one of us and we will pick you up and let you crash." Jaime said as he held his hands up.

Brent saluted, "Sure thing, skate buddy."

"Tiempo de imagen!" Jaime said loudly as he snapped a picture of Vic and me on his phone. I rolled my eyes.

"No." I replied.

Vic wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, "Smile, mija."

I glanced over at the three teenage boys staring at me, "Help me."

They all gave chuckles and shook their heads. Charlie shrugged, "You're not smiling."

I sighed and gave in, giving Jaime a smile before he snapped another picture. Hime pointed to the teenagers, "Alright, now one with them."

I shook my head, "Why?"

Jaime smiled, "To remember your first high school fiesta."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head again but Charlie grabbed my arm and pulled me to the steps where Blake and Brent stood. Charlie forced me in between him and Blake as they all smiled for the picture but me.

"If you don't smile then Vic and I will follow you and do an acoustic set at the party." Dad said.

I stuck my tongue out at Dad. I'd say he wouldn't dare but that would be a challenge for both of them to actually do. I turned my attention to Jaime and gave a smile so he could have his picture. I knew he was going to print these out and put them in the photo album. I was just worried something would go down with these guys and I would never want to see them again, much less remember I went to my first party with them. Jaime took a couple more snaps before smiling, "Okay, mija, you're free to go."

"Juliet, don't forget to let us know when you're leaving."

I rolled my eyes again, "Alright, Dad. I'll tell you when we get there and when we leave. Want me to send pictures of what we're doing every fifteen minutes?"

Dad shook his head and laughed, "Not unless you want to. I just want to know when we're supposed to expect you back so I can end our party."

"We should get going." Brent said as he nodded to the guys and started heading to his red car. The other two agreed and started to follow. Vic pulled me back a little before handing me my cell phone. I glanced at it to see he had texted me. 'You can text me. I'm here for you.' I smiled and slid the phone in my back pocket before planting a small kiss on the side of Vic's cheek and running after the teenagers.

"Hey! Where's my kiss?!" Jaime yelled after me.

"I love you dorks!" I replied back as I made it to the car.

Brent pointed to the passenger seat, "Ladies up front."

I wanted to roll my eyes again for the millionth time already but I kept my emotions at bay as I climbed into the passenger seat. I wasn't a lady. I was just a girl. A teenage girl. They probably wanted to be nice or give me star treatment in front of my family. It wasn't long before we were off. I felt my anxiety start to bubble up but it wasn't too bad. I pulled my phone out and replied to Vic.

'Anxiety is starting.'

'Do you have your medicine?'

'Yes but I took one like an hour ago.'

'Don't over do it. Try to keep calm and steady your breathing. Put your mind on something other than the party.'

"Dude, your family is rad. If my parents knew I was going to a party they would ground me for two months." Charlie said as he rolled his back passenger window down.

Brent turned his head to look at him, "Light one up in this car and you will be walking."

Charlie rolled his window back up and gave a loud sigh, "Such a mood killer. Juliet, are you dating anyone?"

I shook my head as I answered, "No."

"That's hard to believe." He replied.

"I'm always away with the guys. Plus, did you see them? Try asking my dad if you can date me." I said and gave a small laugh. I'd like to see someone go up to any of the guys and ask to date me. Dad would just stare at them with his resting death glare, Vic would shake his head, Jaime would probably laugh and say no, and Mike would just punch the guy and walk off.

"True." Charlie said as he moved around in the backseat. I moved so I could see the stars better. The stars always help calm me down. They're just so pretty.

"And Jaime is your dad, right?" Charlie asked after a few minutes of silence.

"No. He's my godfather."

"Which one is your dad then?" He asks.

"Tony." Blake replied for me.

I heard Charlie mumble 'shit' before we pulled up to a curb in the middle of nowhere. I saw a house close by but they only had a lamp on in the top window; it definitely wasn't where a high school party was being held. Was the party in the woods? Surely not.

"You two know the rules." Brent said as he turned the ignition off. Blake and  Charlie got out of the car and stared walking along the road, away from the house. I glanced over at Brent. He smiled at me in return, "I figured if Russell invited you himself, it would be better if you entered with me."

What does that even mean? Why would it matter who I entered with? It's just a party. It must be the different cliques thing. That's the one thing I miss about tour. No one cared how you looked or how you dressed. I pulled my phone up and unlocked it, sending Vic a text. 'We're about to go in. I don't know if I can.'

'Hey. You're okay. Think about something. Like what should be our next music video?'

I wanted to laugh. That's the first thing that comes to his mind to get me to not pay attention that I'm at a party? I glance over at Brent and he gives me a smile before getting out of the car. I knew it was time to go. I know I'm not ready but I take in a deep breath, close my eyes, and get out of the car. I walk next to Brent, feeling out of place.

He was dressed like a normal teenager would. A plain white shirt and blue jeans. I had changed into skinny grey jeans, and an oversized Misfits tee that probably belonged to Mike. As we turned the corner I saw a big house with all the lights on and kids in the yard. This was the party.

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