But I Can't Save The World

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"Let's go make a blanket fort in Hime's living room." Mike said from behind us as he grabbed me and pulled me out of Dad's grip. He lifted me up and held me like I was a child. I felt like a child being passed around between them. I groaned as mike kissed my cheek and I wrapped my legs around his waist as I buried my face in his neck.

Vic chuckled, "She's going to die if we smother her any more."

I reached out towards Vic as Mike almost skipped down the stairs with me in his arms, "Save me, Vic. I need the love of a bestie."

When Mike got to the bottom of the stairs Vic started to playfully punch mike in the side, "Let the little turtlebunny go."

Mike gave a fake kick to his older brother, "You cannot save her this time, shorty."

"Fight." Jaime said in a Mortal Combat voice before clapping his hands together.

I unwrapped my legs from around Mike's waist and tried to get out of his grip. He leaned down slightly until my feet were touching the floor and let go of me. I rolled my eyes at the two brothers as they held their fists up and started to hop in place.

"Do you two really have to do this? Let's just make a fort. And eat lots of snacks." I said as I took Jellybean from Dad's arms.

Jaime groaned and raised his hands up in the air, "I haven't been to the store this week so all I have are a couple of frozen pizzas. Someone has to go on a snack run."

Vic, Dad, and Jaime all yelled at the same time, "Not it!"

Mike rolled his eyes, "Really? I'm not going alone, though. I need a snack partner in crime."

"Not it!" Dad yelled soon followed by Vic and Jaime. Mike chuckled before grabbing me again and pulling me into his side, "Snack buddy!"

I groaned. I really didn't want to go out but I did lose fair and square. Mike chuckled before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the door of Jaime's house. I looked around Jaime's yard to see Mike's truck, Vic's Jeep, and Jaime's car. It seems like they separated when they went to look for me. I felt a slight ping of anxiety hit me and grabbed onto Mike's hand as he lead me to his truck. I climbed in the passenger side with Jellybean tightly in my arms.

Jaime followed us out and leaned against the passenger side door, "What all are we getting on this fort night, dear princess?"

I shrugged, "Nachos, popcorn, salsa, candy. Anything in particular you want?"

He smiled and nodded, "Fudge pops, please."

"Okay. But only if you promise to take care of Jellybean for me while I'm gone." I replied as Mike climbed in the driver's seat. Jaime saluted me as he took Jellybean from me and snuggled her close to him, "Jellybean will get lots of cuddles from me."

Jaime leaned down and planted another kiss on the top of my head before closing the passenger door and walking back into his house. I buckled up as Mike cranked the truck, "Are you four ever going to treat me like a teenager?"

Mike shook his head as he turned on the radio. Rancid's Fall Back Down was playing softly and I turned it up louder as he pulled away from Jaime's house. "We might treat you like a teenager when you're thirty. Then again I know Tony will cuddle you even when he's old and can't get around without a wheelchair."

"he's already old." I mumbled.

I pulled the visor down and used the mirror to wipe off the streaks of black from my face and from under my eyes where my mascara bled. Mike chuckled as he pulled out a bottle from the front pocket of his jeans and tossed it into my lap, "I took these from your backpack before we started looking for you. I'm sure both of us would feel better if you took one, even if you aren't feeling any anxiety."

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