Never Alone

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I held my phone to my ear and waited until the ringing stopped and my call was answered. 

"Hey baby turtlebunny!" Alan said excitedly into the phone.

I wiped the tears from my face, "Alan, can you come get me? And don't let anyone know you've heard from me?"

"Whoa, hey, what's going on?" He asked seriously.

"Dad's really mad. And he said I can't go on tour anymore. And I'm scared, Alan." I said as I broke down.

I heard a sigh from the other end, "I wish I could help you, Juliet. I'm not even in California right now. Whatever happened I'm sure Tony will calm down. He's only mad because he loves you. Everything will be fine."

I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. This is not what I needed to hear. I needed to be away from here. I hung up and turned my phone off before continuing to make my way through the woods. I didn't even know where I was going. Where did these woods lead? I wiped at my eyes and tried to stop my tears. The woods let out in the neighboring neighborhood where Jaime lives. I snuck through the backyards of houses before I came to Jaime's house. I checked to make sure there was no one around before going onto his front porch and taking the spare key from under the potted cactus and unlocking the door. I slipped into the house and shut the door back. I went upstairs and into Jaime's room before collapsing on his bed and pulling Jellybean out of my backpack. I snuggled Jellybean tightly before completely breaking down.

I had cried for over an hour. Jellybean was wet and Jaime's pillow was wet. I now just felt alone and empty. I felt like nothing could make me feel anything again, like I was dead inside. I closed my eyes and took in Jaime's scent, wishing he was here with me. I heard a squeak of the house settling and I couldn't help myself from imagining it was Jaime coming up the stairs. 

"Juliet?" He asked softly, as if he was really here.

"Hime, I need you." I replied, my voice hoarse and raspy from all my crying. 

Jaime came into view and instantly pulled me into him. I couldn't believe he was really here. I hugged up to him tightly and couldn't help myself from crying all over again. "Shhh, I'm here. You're okay."

I shook my head, "I can't go on tour anymore."

"Tony was shocked and upset. He didn't know what he was saying."

"I didn't mean to do it. I promise. I was just drunk." I said.

Jaime rocked me back and forth, "Nothing happened and that's what matters. We were so worried about you. Please don't ever run off like that again."

"He yelled at me. I was scared." 

Jaime placed a kiss on the top of my head, "I know, baby. I know. We were scared of you growing up too fast. Don't worry, okay? We love you. I love you. And I'm not letting Tony ban you from tour."

I finally calmed down again after what seemed like hours. Jaime tickled my side slightly, "So why don't you tell me about that boyfriend. Blake, wasn't it?"

I shook my head, "I don't have a boyfriend. Single Pringle."

"Well, he could be a potential boyfriend. He was listening to Neck Deep? What other bands does he like?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. He remembered us and Dad from the Chunk show a few months back. I told you not to Salsa at concerts. But I don't think he recognizes you or Dad. If he did he wasn't saying anything."

Jaime didn't reply but just leaned his head back down on top of mine and lightly stroked my back. I let my grip on Jellybean go and wrapped both of my arms tightly around him, "Thank you for always being here for me."

"Anytime, pumpkin." Jaime replied and kissed the top of my head again.

I pulled away and looked up at him, "I'm sorry I took off like that. I don't know what came over me."

Jaime gave me a reassuring smile, "It's okay. After you ran upstairs Tony realized what happened and started to panic, too. He cried because he yelled at you and called himself a horrible father. I tried to check on you but you didn't answer me when I knocked on your door so I thought you just wanted to be alone. Alan called Tony freaking out because you had called him saying you were scared and to pick you up but after he said he couldn't you hung up and he couldn't get in touch with you again. Just always remember you have so many people that care about you."

"I made Dad cry?" 

Jaime shrugged, "No. He made himself cry. Tony wants you to have a perfect life. He wants you to have what he never had-"

"There's no such thing as a perfect life." I interrupted. Jaime chuckled, "No. But you know what I mean. And whenever Tony does something that could upset you or impact you negatively he instantly blames himself. Speaking of which..."

Jaime let go of me to pull his phone out of his pocket. He had texts from all three guys, including ones from other people in this area as well as a dozen missed phone calls. I felt my chest get tighter again as I realized I scared everyone. Jaime noticed my breathing becoming uneasy and grabbed my hand, "Everything is alright, Jules. I'll force you to take medicine if you start to panic."

He started to tickle me and I couldn't help myself from giggling and rolling around on his bed. When he finally stopped and I caught my breath, Jaime held his phone out to me, "Want to let Tony hear that you're okay?"

I shook my head, "What if he gets mad again?"

Jaime shook his head as he pulled his phone into his view and started to reply to texts, "Even if he does get mad, he can't stay mad at you for long. Mike said he's been crying like an old grandma who lost their favorite plant since I said I found you."

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

Jaime gave a shrug, "I know you. In extreme moments you want to be somewhere you're comfortable or with someone who makes you feel okay. After driving around for a while I just thought to check here and when I saw the key missing from Sir Enchilada I hoped you would be in here. Luckily you were."

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. It felt like when I was younger and the three of us lived in the small apartment. Jaime's bed has always felt like home. Before I could sink into the memories I was pulled into a tight hug. I opened my eyes to see Dad before he planted wet kisses on my cheek. I groaned and leaned my head down on his shoulder so he would stop. 

"I'm so sorry, Juliet. I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean to yell. But don't ever scare me like that again." Dad said as he held me tightly and rocked me back and forth. I knew he was crying.

I hugged him back tightly, if not tighter, "I forgive you. And I'm sorry for yelling back and running off. I was just scared."

I looked up at Dad and wiped his tears with my thumb before kissing his cheek, "You're the best father anyone could ever ask for."

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