We Could Disappear

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"You did a cover, of our song, with Juliet's friend, for YouTube? And you didn't wake me up? What if I wanted to be in the video?" Alex whined from beside me. Jack sat up and looked over me at Alex, "Because who would have snuggled the bunny? She always gets snuggles from the guys, Kellin had two hours to snuggle her before we got here, she needed your snuggles. Plus, you're mean when you get woken up."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you two really going to argue while I'm in the middle of you?"

Alex wrapped his arm around my stomach and snuggled into me, "No. Jack is the one being mean."

I shook my head, "You two are acting like I'm a doll or something that needs constant attention."

"You're our doll." Alex replied before planting a sloppy kiss on my forehead. Jack gave a low chuckle and followed Alex's move, planting a kiss on the other side of my forehead. I groaned, "There's not a doll option on forms, just ethnicity."

Alex chuckled, "I'll be sure to make you forms where it says you're a doll instead of human."

"This means you always get to be with us and have constant snuggles." Jack said with another chuckle.

I shook my head at the two but actually wished I could be a doll instead of human. I wouldn't feel anything. Then again I don't really feel anything right now apart from annoyance at how everyone is treating me like I'm some fragile baby. Jack with a doll doesn't seem very innocent to me, though. I looked over at Jack, "Any doll you would have would be a sex doll."

Alex roared with laughter at my come back while Jacks face turned red, "You're too young to know what that is."

I raised my eyebrows at him. I had seen parts of Jack I've never wanted to see before - completely by accident, mind you. Alex couldn't help his laughter. Jack shook his head, "Don't look at me like that!"

"Don't lie to me, Jack." I replied.

"Okay, you're our snuggly bunny, not doll. Better?" Jack snapped as he sat up and stretched.

I nodded, "Yeah, that's better."

Alex smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned his head down on top of mine, "Does snuggly bunny want to watch her favorite movie?"

I nodded again, even though I knew Alex wouldn't be able to see it. He could feel it, though. Jack climbed off my bed to grab the remotes before turning on the television and popping Friday the 13th into the DVD player. He got back on the bed and leaned into me, wrapping his right arm around mine and intertwining his left hand with my right hand.

"I always enjoy a young Kevin Bacon in a Speedo." Alex said and gave a small laugh.

It wasn't long into the movie that I heard Jack breathing heavily and knew he was asleep. I felt a slight warmth inside me at the thought these two had missed out on sleep just because they were worried about me. They actually care. I removed my left arm from around Jellybean and reached over to grab Alex's hand that was resting on my right side.

"You okay, kiddo?"

I nodded again, "Yeah. I just love you two."

"And we love you. We'd do anything for you." Alex replied.

"Thank you for always being here when I need you." I said.

"You're welcome, bunny."

Alex held my hand tightly, as if he knew I needed the reassurance. I kept randomly squeezing Jacks hand as he slept; he would squeeze back in his sleep and hold my hand tightly for several minutes before his hand would fall limp again. After the movie was over and Alex leaned over me to grab the remotes from beside Jack, we decided to watch Pretty In Pink.

"I used to believe I would marry Molly Ringwald." Alex said as he laughed. I rolled my eyes at his confession. To be fair, I loved Molly Ringwalds 80s look. I felt a wave of anxiety and depression wash over me. I looked up at Alex, "Will anyone even marry me now?"

Alex turned to look at me. I could see the hurt and concern in his eyes, "Of course some one will marry you. What makes you think no one would?"

Hot tears stung my eyes and fell down my cheeks, "I'm damaged goods."

Alex wrapped his arms around me and started to rock me back and fourth. I pulled my arm from Jacks grip and hugged up to Alex tightly as uncontrollable sobs consumed me.

"Shh. You're not damaged goods. What happened to you was not your fault. I promise you guys do not care about if a girl has been intimate. Especially if it's something like that. Any guy you date doesn't even have to know." Alex said as he rocked us back and fourth. "If anything anyone you date that finds out about this would try to murder the guy that did it and take extra care to keep you safe."

I wiped my face on Alex's shirt and buried my face back in the crook of his neck, "I don't know if I asked for it or allowed him to do it."

Alex rubbed my back, "Bunny, if you were drugged you could not have asked for it or agreed to it. I can assure you."

We stayed like that for a while, until I wasn't sobbing anymore. A few tears were falling here and there, but I wasn't completely breaking down. Alex pulled away before holding his hand out to me. I held my hand out and he dropped one of my anxiety pills into my palm. I stared at it, "Thank you. I need something to drink, though."

"Oh, shit. Yeah. Umm, here." I heard Kellin say from behind me. I turned slightly to see him holding out his half empty glass. I grabbed it and popped the pill into my mouth before taking a huge swig of Kellin's Dr. Pepper. I handed Kellin the almost empty glass back, "Thank you."

Kellin smiled at me, "Anytime. Do you want me to stay?"

I shook my head, "My bed isn't big enough but thank you for being here for me."

Kellin nodded before pushing Alex back onto the bed and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Alex groaned, "Hey."

Kellin chuckled before leaning down and kissing Alex on the cheek and leaving my room. Alex rolled his eyes and wiped the kiss off before sitting back up, "My face has Kellin germs on it now."

I couldn't help but giggle, "Your face also has Alex germs."

"They're cooties, thank you." Alex said before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him as he rubbed his face on mine, "And now they're on you."

"Dork." I said as I grabbed the remote from Alex and searched for another horror movie to watch. Alex nodded, "The one and only Alex Dork."

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