Heaven Above

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I was woken up as Jaime repeatedly kissed my cheek like I was a newborn baby he didn't want to let go. I groaned and lightly popped his face so he would stop. He chuckled before standing up with me in his arms, "That still wakes you up."

Memories of when Jaime would kiss my cheek until I woke up when I was a toddler flooded my memories and I couldn't help but smile. Jaime would tickle me or pick me up and swing me around when I woke up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes before Jaime sat me down at the table. Mike placed a plate of mac and cheese in front of me, "Here you are little bunny. Are you feeling nauseous at all?"

I shook my head, "Not nauseous but my head hurts and my chest hurts and my throat hurts."

Dad looked at me from beside me at the table, setting his coffee down, "You'll feel better once you eat and take some medicine."

"I just wanted to sleep." I replied as I stabbed the macaroni with my fork.

Jaime ruffled up my messy bun, making it even messier, before scooting me a little and sitting down beside me making me become squished in between him and Dad, "I didn't want to wake you up because you never snuggle with me anymore and I miss it but you need to eat. I'm not playing a show tonight until I know you've ate, drank some water, and feel better."

I rolled my eyes and shoved a forkful of cheesy noodles in my mouth before leaning my head on Jaime's shoulder, "I love you Himes. Thank you for taking care of me."

Jaime wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him, "It's no problem. I'm not a dead beat godfather."

Dad gave a small chuckle before resting his head on his hand, "Hey do you remember that time when I was working at Wal-Mart and on the graveyard to morning shift and you took Jules to her first day of Pre-School and when I went to pick her up the teacher wouldn't release her to me and called you until you left work and had to come prove I was her actual father."

Jaime chuckled, "Yeah. She also thought we were a couple. I mean, we don't look gay at all."

I looked up at Jaime, "You took me to my first day of preschool?"

He nodded, "Yup. You cried because you couldn't take Jellybean with you and that I couldn't stay. It broke my heart."

"And he called me almost crying because of how upset you were, which made me upset." Dad replied as he sent a glare at Jaime. Mike sat down at the table across from Jaime, "That teacher had a right to think you were dating. Just listen to you two."

I couldn't help but giggle. Mike was right. If I didn't know them well I would assume they were a couple. They're like best friend soul mates and always together. Jaime rolled his eyes and slapped Vic's butt as he walked by, "You know I'm only gay for Vic."

Vic turned around and pointed at Jaime, "Slap my ass again and you'll have to turn gay to remember what it's like having a dick."

Dad and Mike both ooooh'd at Jaime's burn. Jaime pulled me into his lap as best he could, "Baby Turtle will save me."

Vic chuckled before placing a glass of water in front of me along with a bottle of Ibuprofen and sitting down beside Mike with a steaming cup of coffee. I actually didn't like coffee. It tasted weird and it somehow always made me sleepy. Jaime was still holding me as best as he could in his lap so I grabbed his fork and started to eat his macaroni and cheese since I couldn't reach mine. Jaime grabbed the fork from my hand, "Hey, no. No. Bad bunny. No eating my food."

I scooted back to my spot in the booth before sticking my tongue out at him, "Don't keep me from my food and I won't touch your food."

Dad chuckled before grabbing the bottle of Ibuprofen and taking some, "At least I taught you right when it comes to stealing food."

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