You'll Never Know

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I climbed onto the bus and set Jellybean down on the couch. I really hoped I Prevail didn't notice her. I didn't want them to think I'm weird or anything. Dani and Ben from Neck Deep know I sleep with Jellybean because they watched me once during a show. I was sick and Dad didn't want me to be alone on the bus so Dani and Ben offered to sit with me during Pierce The Veil's set.

I remember Ben forcing me to take my temperature what seemed like every ten minutes and Dani ran to some gas station to find a can of chicken noodle soup for me. They were so nice. Well they still are, most of the time anyways. I still get extra nervous around them because they've become one of my favorite bands. I didn't grow up with them and I knew them from their music before I actually met them. It's always been the other way around for me. I either grow up knowing the band members, like with All Time Low, or I know the members before I know their music.

"Baby turtle is back!" Jaime yelled before ruffling my hair up.

"You left me." I said as I swatted his hand away.

He gave me a sheepish smile, "Sorry. I thought you'd be comfortable with them now. I'll buy you an apple pie for forgiveness?"

I shook my head, "Two apple pies."

Jaime saluted, "Two apple pies for forgiveness coming right up!"

Vic walked onto the bus and gave me a smile, "Hey Juliet, I found some showers and called first dibs. Get your stuff ready."

I nodded and skipped to the back lounge. I kept my stuff in one of the two closets in the back, sharing with Dad. I grabbed a pair of my light blue skinny jeans and a white tee shirt before pulling fresh underwear and socks from the drawer at the bottom of the closet and stuffed it into my black floral Vans backpack. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my bag with my shampoo, face wash, body wash, and razors as well as my makeup bag and threw them in my backpack before slipping my white low top Converse on and waiting for Vic to grab us towels.

I loved it when venues have showers. On our bus we have a shower but we have limited water so you like literally only use water for a few minutes total since you have to turn the water off until you rinse your body off. And I have to take a longer shower since it takes at least a minute to wash all the shampoo and conditioner out of my long hair. When venues have showers you can take a longer shower and actually feel like you're getting clean. Also, hot water. The water on the bus doesn't get very hot, just like a notch or two past being lukewarm.

I followed Vic off of the bus and wrapped my arm around the crook of his elbow. Vic has always been like a best friend to me. Mike is like an annoying older brother. And then there's Jaime, who has always been a mix of being a second dad and the super annoying older brother (but he's mostly like an annoying second dad). Vic smiled down at me as he lead me into the venue. I couldn't help myself from yawning. I was rudely awoken by my father, after all.

"Hey Vic, Baby Turtle." Ben's British voice said as he walked past us. Vic said a hello back but I stayed silent, as normal.

I'm very much like Dad in that way. He's shy and doesn't talk much. I'm shy and don't talk much. I'll talk around the guys. And anyone else I get comfortable with, but if there's more than a few people I can't handle it. The attention from that many people makes me have anxiety. It just runs in the family. Other bands don't usually seem to mind. And some make it a priority to get me to like them enough that I'll talk around them. Vic lead me inside the old looking red brick building and through a few halls until we made it into a room with grey concrete bricks separating four shower heads and making them semi private with bland white shower curtains.

I hung my backpack on a hook beside the closest shower before tossing the towel Vic handed me over the grey concrete wall and stepping into the tiny space, closing the shower curtain behind myself. I stripped down, taking off my black leggings and Mike's Misfits shirt I had slept in off, tossing them into a pile under my backpack. I turned on the shower and turned the water as hot as it would go and waited for it to warm up before realizing I didn't get my bag out of my backpack. I hear the other shower start and turned around to grab the small bag out of my backpack without fear of Vic accidentally seeing me naked after I checked to make sure he was in the shower.

As I stood under the steaming hot waterfall with my shower bag in hand I heard another one of the showers start. I ignored them as I heard Jaime complain that he wanted that shower. I live with grown children but I love them.


Just a bit of filler. I hope y'all enjoy this story!

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