Save Yourself

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"Sing the Harry Potter theme." Mike said as I was trying to put my makeup on. He's been outside the bathroom door ever since I got into the shower. I groaned. He really wasn't leaving me alone.

"It doesn't have words." I replied in annoyance.

"You can sing the tune."

I rolled my eyes and tried my best to ignore him as he kept repeating himself. I was working on winging my liquid eyeliner when I heard Mike become silent. The door beside me popped and then opened. Mike stuck his head in the room to see I was sitting on the vanity before opening the door all the way and coming into the small bathroom. I looked at Mike through the mirror, "What would you have done if I wasn't dressed?"

Mike shrugged, "I used to give you baths at night. There's nothing I haven't seen."

I scoffed. He would have not cared if I was undressed! Isn't that like some kind of child abuse? No, it's perverted. I went back to working on my eyeliner before mumbling 'perv' under my breath. Mike chuckled and shook his head, "No. You always get dressed pretty quickly after a shower. I knew you would be dressed."

"What do you want, Baby Fuentes?"

Mike glared at me before grabbing my makeup bag off the counter and leaving the bathroom. He really didn't like being reminded he was the younger brother. Joke's on him I put the makeup I haven't used on the counter. I set my eyeliner pen down and grabbed my mascara before finishing my look. I only put on foundation, blush, powder, eyeliner, and mascara today. It was my normal go to look. Sometimes I'll add eyeshadow. A lot of other girls my age seem to go all out and do highlighter and contouring or whatever it's called. That's how it was at my old high school. A lot of people at that school tried their best to be my friend only because of Pierce the Veil. I mean, how low can you get?

I was actually pretty excited when Dad asked me if I wanted to move. It wasn't too far, still in San Diego, but it was closer to Jaime. Plus, I was going to have to go to a new school. Hopefully people won't freak out about Pierce the Veil at this one. Apparently it's the old high school Vic and Mike went to. I'm not a nerd about school. I like getting straight As and I don't like people that much, but being able to study away from the guys is what I like best.

The bus stopped and I grabbed my eyeliner pen and mascara tube, sliding them into my backpack before leaving the bathroom. Dad scooped me up into his arms like I was a child, "Are you ready for an amazing show tonight?"

I shrugged, "I guess. Are you going to put me down?"

Dad shook his head, "Nope. You're a baby again, remember?"

I rolled my eyes again. Are all dads like this? Well, most dads. Or is my dad just mental? Dad noticed what I was wearing; a pair of denim shorts, a pink Misfits tank top, and my white Converse. "You're not wearing that!"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

Dad looked at my legs, "You're legs are showing! Guys will be all over you. I can't be there to protect you all night."

"Dad. Guys have never been all over me. I think you're safe." I replied as I forced my way out of his embrace. Dad shook his head before ruffling my hair up and walking away.

Mike picked me up from behind and held me tightly to his chest. I glared up at him, "Put me down."

He smiled, "Remember, you started it."

I closed my eyes. I couldn't win against him. He was stronger than me. Plus, he was the one that ate my pie. He started it. I didn't want to argue with him, though. I wasn't in the mood and my anxiety made me think he would win anyways. I leaned my head on Mike's shoulder. Mike carried me outside the bus and set me down on my feet, "Giving up that easily?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I gave a small shrug. Mike took a hit off of his cigarette before narrowing his eyes at me, "Are you okay?"

I gave another shrug.

"Have you been taking your medicine?" He asked.

I thought about his question for a minute. I don't remember taking it last night. If I took any the night before then I would have vomited it up. And the night before that I had forgotten to take it because I didn't think about it until it was 5 in the morning and decided to skip it before going to sleep. I haven't had my medicine in at least three days. I didn't want to admit it. I bit my lip and shook my head. Mike quickly put his cigarette out before ushering me into the bus.

I sat down on the couch as Mike seemed to tear through the cabinets. I heard pill bottles rattle. I closed my eyes again. He seemed frantic. Was it because of me? I suddenly wished I was somewhere else. I didn't want him to be frantic because of me. Mike grabbed my hand and placed some pills in it, causing me to open my eyes. I looked down to see Lexapro and a Xanax as Mike was handing me a bottle of water. I shook my head and handed him the Xanax back. I only took Xanax when I was having a panic attack or really bad anxiety.

Mike handed the Xanax back to me, "I can see the anxiety in your face, Juliet. Take it."

I didn't want to fight with Mike so I took both of the pills, flinching as I swallowed each of them. They both tasted bad and I was self conscious about them. I didn't want anyone to know I took them. Mike sat down on the couch beside me and pulled me into a hug, "I don't want you feeling anything other than happiness little bunny rabbit. I love you."

"I love you, too, Mike." I said softly as he gave me a little squeeze. Dork.

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