A Part Of Me

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After my super long and super hot shower I turned the water off and dried off with my towel. It would only be logical to get dressed in the shower, even though the floor was soaked, since I'm on tour with a bunch of men. I dried my hair off the best I could with my towel before dropping the towel on the ground and reaching around the shower curtain to bring my backpack in with me. I quickly put on my fresh underwear and got dressed, leaving my socks in the bag because I didn't want them to get soaked. I looked down at the big white shirt and realized I had grabbed one of Dad's Key Street shirts instead of one of my plain shirts. I put my backpack on and wrapped my wet shower bag in my towel and stepped out of the shower. I instantly shielded my eyes and looked down when I saw a bare bum in the shower across from mine.

"A twenty minute shower? Really Jules?" Dad asked from the doorway. He had pulled a folding metal chair into the room to wait on me. He knows I don't handle being alone with people I'm not comfortable with too well. And I appreciate it when he does stuff like this. I gave a little nod, ignoring some Neck Deep members saying to go easy on me. I did just see Dani's bum, after all, which made me feel a little bit awkward around them. It's not the first time I've seen it, but he could have easily been turned around and I could have seen something else. I gave a shrug, "I shaved my legs. It's hard doing them in the sink."

Dad shook his head and stood up, folding the chair and picking it up, "You could have warned me."

I nodded and followed Dad into the Pierce the Veil green room. He set the chair down against the wall and I claimed the mirror, taking my makeup bag out of my backpack. Mike sat down beside me and ruffled my wet hair up, "Your roots are starting to show. Are you going to dye your hair back black?"

I shook my head, "I want to keep it blonde for now. That way I can stick out from you goons."

Mike put a hand over his heart and faked hurt, "We're more than goons. We're family."

I giggled and leaned into him before placing a kiss on his cheek, "I love you."

Jaime whined from behind us, "Hey! I want a kiss and to be told I'm loved."

I rolled my eyes before turning around and making Jaime lean down to my level. I kissed his cheek before sticking my tongue out at him, "I love you too, Hime."

Dad plopped down on the couch and grabbed one of his guitars before playing around with it, making sure it was in tune. I realized Vic wasn't in the room with us and I figured he was on the bus doing his vocal warm ups. I moisturized my face before applying my foundation. After I was done with that I decided on a very natural look with nude eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, light mascara, and minimal blush. Sure I listened to hardcore music and lived with hardcore guys, but I liked the soft natural look. I was a very normal looking girl compared to the four guys I call my family. After I finished my makeup and brushed my hair I grabbed Mike's phone from his hand, "Would you go to the bus with me?"

He rolled his eyes. I was like Jaime in the way I didn't like going places by myself. They tease and say I inherited it from him because he is my godfather. Mike stood up before grabbing my backpack out of my lap, "Come on, shorty. I was about to go for a smoke, anyways."

I handed Mike his cell phone back before following him out of the building. As soon as we got outside he lit up a cigarette. Ben from Neck Deep was leaning against the building with a cigarette in his hand, "Hey."

Mike smiled and turned to face Ben. I internally groaned. This meant he was going to stand and chat. I didn't want to interrupt Vic's vocal warm ups by myself, even though he says I can never interrupt him. I still feel bad about it. "What's up?" Mike replied as he took a drag off of his cigarette.

"We're having a party tonight. You two better show up." Ben said and smiled.

Mike nodded while I just shook my head. Sure it's funny watching everyone get drunk and act stupid sometimes, but if I'm not around everyone I feel comfortable with then I just get a lot of anxiety. This sounds like a perfect night for me to stay in the bus and read. Ben gave me puppy dog eyes, "Please, Juliet. You've never joined in any of the parties."

I shook my head again, "I have a book report and an English test -"

"Both next week. You're going Miss Goody-Two-Shoes." Mike said as he ruffled my hair up. Ben gave a big smile, "Great! I can't wait!"

Mike said bye before pulling me along to the bus. I leaned against the bus waiting for Mike to toss his cigarette butt to the ground and enter the bus first. He gave me a smile, "Come on, Jules, don't be mad. You'll have fun. I promise."

I folded my arms across my chest as Mike opened the bus door. I didn't like social gatherings that much.  I flopped down onto the couch and took Jellybean into my arms. Mike rolled his eyes and tossed my backpack on my legs, "You're the only person I've ever known to mope about having to go to a party."

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