You Took My Hand

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I groaned as I was woken up from not being able to move. My right arm was numb and my shoulder felt like it was out of socket. Two strong arms were around me, feeling like dead weight on top of me. I kicked the leg that was on top of me until the head above mine took in a deep breath, "Mmmmwaaa?"

"My arm is numb, Himes." I replied.

Brian and Lee had stayed with me during Neck Deep and Pierce The Veils set because Dad didn't want me to be alone in case I became sick again. Fil had also brought me a giant bag of McDonalds apple pies to say sorry for accidentally getting me 'pissed' and he apologized so much I don't think he said anything else. I did forgive him, though. I was mostly mad at myself for not getting my own drink.

Brian and Lee watched a few horror movies with me since no one else likes them. Well, Jaime likes Scream but it's more of a slasher instead of a horror movie. I won't complain about it, though. At least it's something horror he'll watch. I can get Mike to watch a horror movie with me if he's high, though. He will never actually admit when he's high, but I can smell it on him. After the show when the guys came back, Jaime had claimed me as his snuggle buddy. Luckily they all showered after the set. I felt so bad that I didn't want to take advantage of the venue's showers.

Jaime had went mushy on me, saying all these memories he had of me when I was little. Right after him and Dad graduated high school they bought an apartment together. It was a cheap two bedroom apartment. I didn't have my own room, but I had two beds. One bed was in Jaime's room and the other was in Dad's room. I never slept in my beds. I only wanted to sleep with one of them because it was right after my mom had died and I was afraid I was going to lose one of them.

I remember they told me that Heaven was ready for my mom and that's why she went away, but it wasn't until I started asking about how she actually died when I was around eight that they actually told me. Apparently she had a lot of health issues and a few of her medications didn't react well and made her heart go into cardiac arrest. It took a long time for Dad to get over her death. I know he still misses her, he even calls her the love of his life, but I never hear him crying over her anymore.

As Jaime was going down memory lane, he asked me to sleep with him like I used to. I couldn't say no to the puppy dog eyes he was giving me, so I said I would. I forgot how much he moves in his sleep, plus we're in a tiny bus bunk. Jaime scooted over so I could change my position, "Sorry Baby Turtle."

"Maybe I should go to my bed so you can have more room." I said softly.

Jaime wrapped his arm around me and held me tightly to him, "Nooo. I never get to cuddle my daughter anymore."

I felt my heart swell. Jaime is my godfather and I have always felt like he was a second dad to me. He's always said I'm like the daughter he's never had in interviews and stuff, but I've never heard him actually say something like I was his daughter. Did he really love me that much? I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Next time we're inflating an air mattress in the back."

Jaime rubbed his eyes, becoming more awake, "Why haven't we done that yet?"

I shrugged, "No one asks me if I think it's a good idea to have an inflatable mattress on the bus."

Jaime chuckled and even though it was dark in his bunk I knew he was smiling. He poked my cheek, "I ask you for your opinion all the time, but I never thought to ask if you thought an air mattress would be a good idea. You should have just said it when we asked what the bus needed you little baby turtle."

"I'm forever a baby turtle." I said and giggled before making Jellybean poke Jaime's nose.

Jaime leaned his head down on top of mine and gave me a little squeeze, "Go back to sleep turtlebunny."

I moved my head so it was more on his chest. My breathing started to mimic his steady pace after a while. I listened to his rhythmic heartbeat until I finally fell back asleep. 

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