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I wrapped my arm around Jack's arm as we exited the Vinyl Cafe. The rain finally let up after an hour and a half. Jaime ended up getting Hannah's number, the girl that worked at the cafe. And I eventually slipped the goth girl Dad's number since he was too afraid to ask her for hers. I don't want Dad to get a huge crush on a girl and then never go through with anything and eventually end up alone. He deserves someone special. I'm not saying that someone special should take Mom's place, but they should fill the empty void Mom left after she died.

"If only you two were the same age." Kellin said from behind us. 

I turned my head to look at him, "What are you talking about?"

He gave a smile, "You and Jack. If you were the same age, I'd annoy you until you dated."

I stuck my tongue out at Kellin. Jack would never date me even if we were the same age, "Jack wouldn't date me. He raised me."

Kellin chuckled, "If you were the same age, he wouldn't have raised you. You two would be perfect for each other."

"No one would ever date me." I whispered to myself as Kellin walked past us. Especially not after finding out I'm damaged goods. Jack reached over and grabbed my hand, "Don't say that. You are amazing and any guy would be lucky to have you. You're young, Juliet. Don't rush something like this."

I looked over at Jack. His face was serious, which meant he was being truthful. I looked down at the wet concrete sidewalk. "Would you date me?"

Jack was silent for a few seconds before replying, "It's hard to say. I see you as a little sister and I can't picture myself dating my sister. But if the scenario was changed, like Kellin said, then it's a possibility."

I sighed as I followed the guys silently, still holding onto Jack. I know Jack wouldn't lie to me when he's like this. But if I'm not attractive, then when would a guy ever get to know me to know I'm as amazing as Jack thinks I am? What if any guy that ever does get to know me doesn't think I'm that amazing because he has different taste? I glanced over at Jack. Would I like Jack if the scenario was true? He is funny, super sweet, gentle, and an all around great person. I studied his face. His facial hair was growing in and he really needed to shave, but it oddly looked good on him.

Jack glanced over at me and gave a small laugh, "Why are you staring at me?"

I smiled at his laugh. It's possible. I mean, he is cute for an old guy. I shrugged, "Trying to see if I could picture us together in a different scenario."

"And what's the verdict?"

"I don't know. I mean, you are my best friend. You're an older brother. But maybe." I replied. I looked up at Jack, "If we were both single in twenty years, would you date me?"

Jack shrugged, "Twenty years from now is a long time. But if we're both single, yes. We can be best friends that end up together so we aren't alone."

"So we're basically engaged now." I said and laughed. Jack blushed and shook his head before pulling his arm out of my grip, "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works."

Alex picked me up, "If I was single and you were single in twenty years, I'd marry you in a heartbeat. I won't let any guy ruin your life."

I giggled as Alex swung me around before stopping at Dad's car. Dad looked up at us, "What guy are you talking about?"

"Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married!" Alex sang as he set me on my feet and danced with me. Dad shook his head before climbing into the car. Jaime got into the passenger seat as Alex shoved me into the middle of the back seat between him and Jack. I ignored the adults conversation as we rode home. Hopefully I'll never end up alone. Especially with these two dorks. But wouldn't it be awkward if I married one of them? Like we'd have to kiss and stuff. I don't know if I could ever do that with one of them. 

I dazed off and came to my senses when Jack picked me up and carried me bridal style out of the car. Rain was pouring out of the sky, soaking us almost instantly. I squeaked at the coldness of the water and Jack gave me a small smile as he set me on my feet, "Race you to the porch?"

I smiled and took off running, not giving Jack a chance to beat me. An arm came around me and I couldn't help myself from tripping and falling down to the ground. The arm's owner also fell to the ground with me. I could hear Alex and Jack laughing off in the distance as Jaime groaned. I sat up and tried to wipe the rain off of my face as I looked down at Jaime, "See what happens when you help cheaters?"

Dad chuckled as he held his hands out for the two of us. He pulled both of us up and I immediately tackled Jaime for making me lose, which caught him off guard and made him fall back to the ground. Jaime grabbed me and made me fall to the ground beside him. We both erupted in laughter before I stood up and finally noticed someone sitting on the front porch swing. Someone that hadn't been noticed by Jack or Alex. Someone that made my blood run cold. Jaime stood up and brushed some mud off of himself before I grabbed his hand. He looked down at me, "What's wrong, mija?"

"He's here." I whispered.

Jaime followed my gaze. When he saw Russell sitting on the swing, Russell stood up. Jaime squeezed my hand, "He's the one?" 

I nodded. Jaime walked to the porch with me, letting go of my hand only when I grabbed onto Dad's. Russell walked up to us and the only sound was the pouring rain around us. Russell looked me in the eyes and I could see bruises on his face from where I assumed Andrew hit him.

"Juliet, I want to apologize. I'm truly sorry for what I did. Being drunk and drugged out of my mind is no excuse-" Russell started.

Dad took a few steps forward and pushed me behind him, into Alex and Jack, "You're the one that raped my daughter and left her to overdose?"

Russell looked up at Dad and I could see the fear in his eyes as he took Dad in. He gulped loudly before nodding his head, "Yes, sir. And I know it won't help, but I came to apologize."

"Apology NOT accepted." Jaime said sternly as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Alex, Jack, take Juliet inside." Dad said. Without another word my two best friends grabbed my hands and pulled me inside the house. The shock of seeing Russell there, on my porch, wore off and anger flooded me. I pulled myself free from Jack and Alex before rushing out of the front door and attacking Russell. I punched him as hard as I could in the jaw before hitting him again. Dad pulled me off of Russell before handing me to someone. 

I was carried inside and couldn't help myself from breaking down again. I cried into the arms of the person carrying me. They held me tightly and another set of arms came around me and hugged up to us. The house was silent apart from my sobs and the rain outside. 

Hannah ^^^

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Hannah ^^^

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