Wish I Was A Kid Again

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"It's fine. I'll get pizza." I said into the phone.

"It's not fine, Jules. You ate junk last night, probably didn't have breakfast, and now you want to eat pizza for lunch? It's not healthy. I'm bringing you something." Dad said on the other end.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Blake, who was watching me in return. Blake had lead me behind the lunchroom so I could call Dad after I noticed he had called me ten times. I was afraid it was something important but no, it was the fact I didn't have a 'healthy' lunch on me.

"By the time you get here my lunch will be over. It's fine, Dad. We can have a super healthy dinner if you want. I have to go before a teacher catches us."

"Us? Who is us? Are you with someone? Who is it? I need to meet them this afternoon-"

"Bye, Dad. Love you." I said before hanging up and putting my phone in my back pocket.

Blake chuckled, "Is your dad a health freak?"

I shrugged as we started walking towards the lunchroom doors, "Not really. He's vegetarian and he wants me to have a healthy diet. He doesn't push the vegetarian thing on me but he always makes me eat something healthy if I've had unhealthy stuff for a few days. I did have a lot of Debbie Cakes last night, to be fair. But my body won't shut down just because of two boxes, right?"

"Nahh. Unless it's your daily two boxes." Blake replied with a straight face, making me burst out into laughter. As we went into the lunchroom Russell came up and gave me a big smile, "Hey, Juliet."

"Hey Russell." I replied to him.

"Im having a party tonight, you better be there." He said.

I felt anxiety form in my stomach. I'm not good with parties and everyone here is basically a stranger to me. That screams bad idea. I shrugged, "Cool. I'll ask my dad."

Russell's smile faded a bit, "Tell him it's a study group or something."

"Sure." I replied. Dad would rather me say a party instead of making up something dumb like that. He would probably be happy if I asked to go to a party since I've never really made many friends or done much with them, even the fake ones. I don't intend on asking him, but just telling Russell later that he said no. What do teenagers even do at parties? Drink? No thanks.

Blake started to walk away and I nodded at Russell with a little wave before following after Blake. I stood in line behind Blake and searched my backpack for my wallet. Blake turned to look at me, "You didn't have to stop talking to him just because I left."

I shrugged, "He was probably only nice to me because I bumped into him yesterday. He felt sorry for me because I'm new."

"Or he thinks you're hot and wants to sleep with you." A guy from behind me said, making me turn around and almost fall into Blake. The guy was fairly tall with chocolatey brown hair styled straight up. His earlobes were stretched about the same size as Blake's with plain black tunnels in them and he kept his dark brown eyes on me as he smiled. Blake balanced me again with his hand easily, "Calm down, Charlie."

Charlie shrugged, "Just stating facts. How old are you, anyways, New Girl?"

I couldn't reply to Charlie. I could feel my anxiety bubbling up inside me. Even if Charlie was joking around, it's made me uncomfortable. I'm too normal to be hot and to have someone want to sleep with me. I grabbed onto Blake's arm as my hand started to shake. Three things. I need to focus on three things. Blake. My wallet. I need a third. I looked down at the floor and tried to steady my breathing. The floor. The floor is here. Blake, wallet, floor. Blake, wallet, floor.

Blake could tell something was wrong. He looked up at Charlie, "Will you grab a cheese pizza and fries? Meet you at the table."

Blake grabbed onto my hand that was holding his arm and pulled me out of the lunch line and into the foyer between the two bathrooms, "Are you okay? You seem pale. Is it asthma?"

I shook my head before reaching in my backpack and digging around for the bottle of Xanax. Crap. Mike took them out yesterday when they went searching for me. They could be anywhere. Blake looked concerned, "Do you need to see the nurse?"

"Does the nurse keep Xanax?" I asked softly, afraid to mention the drug.

Blake shrugged, "I don't know. That sounds like something the stoner kids would have. Do you need some right this second?"

I nodded, "Panic attack."

Blake pulled his arm from my grip but I instantly grabbed him again, "Please don't leave."

Blake sighed. I really didn't want this to happen in front of him. He was going to think I was weak now. I closed my eyes to stop the tears from forming as I tried to focus on my breathing again. Blake pushed me against the wall, "Here, steady yourself a little. What color are the ones you normally take?"

"Peachy colored. And they taste horrible." I said softly.

After a few minutes of silence Blake was shaking me, "Here."

I opened my eyes to see him holding his hand out. I held my hand out to see him dropping a peach colored pill into my palm. It looked just like the Xanax I normally take. I turned and took the pill before sipping water from the water fountain beside us. I felt like gagging as the pill left the familiar bitter after taste. I turned to Blake and kept my eyes down, "Thank you. You didn't have to do anything."

He shrugged, "No problem. I always help out friends. Charlie has you a pizza at the table if you think you can eat something."

I shook my head, "I don't think I can eat anything. Please don't say anything about this? I don't want to be the new girl who has panic attacks."

Blake smiled, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket before sending Dad a text telling him I just had a small panic attack. I didn't want him to know I didn't have my pills on me or that I randomly took one that came from who knows where. I took a deep breath and followed Blake to a table at the front of the cafeteria before sitting down beside him. He pushed a yellow tray with pizza and french fries in front of me, "At least eat some fries."

I was glad everyone else at the table was into their own conversations to notice us, or notice me for that matter. I grabbed a fry and started to munch on it.

"So, you going to douche bags party tonight?" Blake asked.

I shook my head, "I don't really like parties."

"I plan on crashing later. It annoys Brent when I do stuff like that. You're free to join if you want to." Blake said.

I shrugged before pulling my wallet out and grabbing a five dollar bill. I slid the bill over to Charlie. He raised an eyebrow, "It's cool."

"Take it, please."

He rolled his eyes before taking the bill and shoving it in his pocket, "Fine. But you owe me a dance at this party tonight."


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