I'm Coming For You

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I lied on my back in the fort at Jaime's, my head on Vic's lap as he brushed my hair with his fingers. I had taken another Xanax to help calm my nerves about the party. Dad and Mike were playing an intense game of Super Mario while I was playing Pokémon X on my 3DS.

"Should we check on Hime to make sure he's not burning the house down?" Vic asked me.

I shook my head as I looked up at him, "No. he's going to take extra caution to not burn down his own house."

Dad chuckled, "Don't you remember when we first moved in here? He was trying to make you pancakes and one caught on fire."

I shrugged, "He's a big boy."

Vic smiled down at me, "Sometimes. Let me up, baby girl."

I groaned before sitting up and letting Vic leave the fort. I saved my spot in my gave then closed my 3DS and moved beside Dad. Dad smiled over at me before putting his focus back on the game. I leaned my head down on his shoulder as I watched the game. Mike threw Dad into a pit of fire and Dad chuckled before wrapping his arm around me and kissing the top of my head, "I remember you sitting in my lap while I played video games."

I nodded and smiled at the memories. I always loved watching Dad or Jaime play video games. I got cuddles from them during video game sessions as well, so that was a bonus. Mike paused the game and took a swig of his beer, "I remember when we first started touring on the RV and you would whine until someone played a video game just so you could snuggle."

I bit my lip. The reason I loved sitting in someone's lap while they played video games when I was younger was because of my mom. One of the few memories I have of her was sitting in her lap while she played a video game. The only other memory I have of her is her and Dad tucking me in for bed. I'm surprised I could even remember those two memories since I was so young when she died. Mike leaned over and pinched my cheek, "Stop being so damn cute."

"You look just like your mother." Dad said before picking the game controller back up and unpausing the game. Dad picked up Mike's character and threw him into the water to die.

"Hey! I wasn't ready." Mike said as he picked his controller back up and started to play the game. I giggled and placed a kiss on their cheek before climbing out of the fort and heading into the kitchen. The smell of something familiar hit me. Hamburger Helper. I haven't had that in a long time. I walked into the kitchen to see Jaime hovering over a skillet with two empty boxes of Hamburger Helper on the counter. Vic was leaning against the sink, a beer in his hand. I walked up to Jaime, "It smells good in here."

Jaime turned around, a big smile on his face, "Thanks, mija."

I shrugged and leaned on the counter in between him and Vic, "Would you get mad if I did drink tonight?"

Jaime looked over at me as he set the lid down on the skillet, "Of course not. As much as I hate to admit it, you are a teenager. Teenagers rebel and go off getting drunk behind their parents backs. Just be safe and promise me you won't do anything you will regret. If you can't happily tell us about it, then don't do it."

"Okay. I'm just worried I will be pressured into drinking." I replied softly.

Vic rubbed my back, "Don't worry about it. Kids will pressure you into doing things you don't want to do. Either fight it or give in when the time comes but don't beat yourself up on it beforehand. You will just set off your anxiety."

I sighed deeply. Being a teenager is tough. Vic held his bottle of beer in front of me, "Beer?"

"Eww, that stuff tastes bad." I said as I pushed the bottle away.

Vic held it out to me again, "It will get you drunk. Chug it."

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the counter and headed back towards the living room. I could feel eyes on me, "See, that's all you have to do. Easy."

"Tell the others food is almost done." Jaime said after Vic.

I didn't give either of them any recognition as I kept walking. I was able to pass Vic's test of peer pressure, which did make me feel good. But I know Vic. I know how to say no to him. I don't really know any one at the school. Would it be just as easy? I lifted the sheet door of the fort, "Dinner is almost ready."

Dad saved the game and started to crawl towards me. When he was out of the fort he grabbed me and picked me up bridal style before leaning his head down and rubbing his nose on mine, "Thank you for informing us, dear daughter, of the feast we shall soon have."

I rolled my eyes, "Quit being weird."

Dad chuckled before planting a kiss on my cheek and setting my feet on the ground. I wiped the kiss off before heading back into the kitchen, slightly annoyed Dad was treating me like a child again. I sat at the round table and folded my arms across my chest.

"What's wrong, Perry?" Mike asked as he set his beer down at the table beside me and claimed a spot. I kept my gaze on the table, "Can you scare them away when they get here? Or say I did something and I can't go anymore?"

Dad sat down on the other side of me, "Look, baby, if you don't want to go then just tell them. I'm sure they will understand."

"They won't because they don't know about my anxiety." I replied as I looked up at him.

Dad sighed, "If they don't understand then they don't deserve to be your friend. I don't want you to be friends with someone who tries to manipulate you into doing things you aren't comfortable with."

Would Blake manipulate or force me to do things I'm not comfortable with? He doesn't seem like that kind of person but he could be. I can't be too trusting around him. Vic placed a plate piled with Hamburger Helper on it in front of me. I stuck my tongue out at Vic as he handed me a fork. 

Dad chuckled as he got up and fixed himself sandwiches, "Is this the enchilada stuff?"

Jaime nodded as he sat at the table across from me, "You know it, fool."

It didn't take long before we were all stuffing our faces. I didn't realize how hungry I was especially after not eating lunch until I was eating these noodles. I looked at Dad's plate of three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, "Is that all you're eating? You need more than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."

Dad looked at me and smiled, "Don't worry. I'll eat more later. If I want I'll even order Chinese food and not share with the others."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as Jaime whined, "No fair, Tone. You know I love Chinese food."

"I'm kidding. I'd make you buy your own Chinese dishes." Dad said.

When I couldn't eat anymore, I slid my plate over to Mike. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "You only ate half of your plate."

"I ate two thirds. If I take one more bite I'll explode."

"Are you sure you're finished?" Dad asked as he opened a bag of chips from yesterday and stuffed his face.

I nodded, "I'm sure. You guys always give me more than I can eat."

Mike nodded before dumping the rest of my plate onto his and finishing it off. He pulled out his cigarettes and stuck one in his mouth before standing up. I grabbed both of our plates before heading to the sink and washing them. Dad came up beside me and took the sponge from me before starting to wash his own plate, "Go get ready for the party. You don't have long."

I nodded before leaving the guys and going into the downstairs bathroom. I pulled my makeup bag out of my backpack and started to make myself look like I could belong at a high school party. When I finished my makeup and started to brush my teeth, Vic came into the bathroom, "They're here to pick you up. Remember that you can't do anything to upset us or make us mad, unless it's something stupid. Don't ride with a drunk person. Don't try to kill yourself or anyone else."

"I get it, Vic. I'll be safe. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated and if I need to I'll ask you to come pick me up." I replied as I rinsed my toothbrush off and stuffed it in the drawer. Vic smiled and pulled me into a hug, "Good. Mike's talking to them so you might want to hurry up in case he accidentally reveals something you don't want him to."

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