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"Do you need a ride home?" Brent asked as he came up to Blake and I at the end of the day.

I shook my head, "I'm sure my dad or one of my uncles is parked outside waiting for me. Thank you, though."

Brent smiled, showing me flawless pearly white teeth, "Any time. Want me to pick you up later?"

I shrugged. I still didn't really want to go to this party but it seems like everyone wants me there. "I don't know. I haven't asked yet. I might not be able to go."

"There you are, Jules." Jaime said as he came up behind Brent, a big smile on his face. I did a quick glance at the door of the building. Why is Jaime inside with us? Is he doing this just to meet Blake? Brent turned to look at the new guy and instantly went into fist pump mode, "Skate buddy!"

Jaime noticed Brent and smiled even bigger as he fist pumped Brent, "Yo, skate buddy! What's happening?"

"Brent and Blake are trying to talk me into going to a party tonight." I said flatly to Jaime. Brent looked at me with wide eyes as if he thought I was trying to get in trouble. "I didn't think you or Dad would let me go since you don't really know anyone in this school."

Jaime shrugged, "I don't mind as long as you don't ride with someone that's completely hammered. And don't let Mike know or he'll crash it."

I rolled my eyes, "Mike has alcohol at home. He doesn't need to crash a high school party for some. Anyways, why are you in here and not out there?"

Jaime shrugged, "Tony is talking to the principal or something and I was tired of waiting in the car with the two arguing brothers. So I came to find you."

"Why is Dad talking to someone?" I asked, feeling a bit of anxiety bubble up in me. Did I do something wrong? Jaime shrugged, "I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. We better get back to the car before there's a Fuentes blood bath."

I chuckled and nodded. Jaime did another fist bump with Brent and then with Blake, "Later skaters."

"We'll pick you up at 6:30!" Blake said as I started to follow Jaime out of the school and to the parking lot. I spied Mike's truck in the middle of the parking lot. He was leaning against the truck with a cigarette in his mouth as he signed something for a girl I didn't recognize. I still didn't want anyone to know I'm with the band so I quickly ran to the passenger side of the truck and climbed into the back. I spied a flannel shirt on the back of the seat and put it over my head just in case the girl looked in the truck.

Vic chuckled from the front seat, "Was it a bad day?"

"I don't want anyone to know I know you just yet." I replied.

The door on my right opened and I felt someone sit beside me, "Don't tell me I embarrassed you."

"She doesn't want that fan girl out there to know she knows us." Vic replied.

Jaime chuckled in return, "Oh yeah. I forgot about that. At least you have a couple of friends already, though."

"Brent and Blake both know you, though."

"Yeah, but do they know we're in a band? Do they know who we are? Just because we've skated together and live in the same neighborhood doesn't mean they know what we do for a living." Jaime said as he draped his arm around the back of the seat behind me.

"You met that Blake kid?" Vic asked. I could hear the excitement in his voice. He was about to ask a whole bunch of questions as if he was eyeing Blake up to see if he would be fit enough to date me. Jaime replied almost enthusiastically, "I've met him before. So have you. Him and his brother are the two that skate through my neighborhood all the time."

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