Something Beautiful

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It had been a few nights since the tour ended and Dad and I were back home. Well. We were in our new home. Nothing felt right. I wasn't used to this house and it didn't comfort me. I got out of bed and went down the hall to Dad's room. He was snoring loudly and I really didn't want to wake him up. I silently went back to my room so I wouldn't wake up Dad and grabbed my phone. I started to dial Jaime's number but stopped myself from hitting the call button.

There's a four day rule where we aren't supposed to speak to each other for four days after a tour. I threw my phone at the wall. Stupid anxiety. Stupid tour rules. I started to cry. I couldn't control my anxiety and I couldn't get the comfort I wanted because of it.


I looked over at my phone. It must have dialed Jaime when I threw it. I quickly picked up the phone and put it to my ear, "Himes-"

"WHATS'S WRONG?!" He yelled frantically from the other end of the line.

I pulled Jellybean into my lap, "Nothing. I'm sorry I woke you. I just don't feel comfortable here yet."

"Is that all? I was scared when I could hear you crying but you didn't answer me. Where's Tone?"

"He's asleep. And snoring like a chainsaw." I replied.

Jaime chuckled, "Sounds about right. Do you want anything? Ice cream, chocolate, pie?"

I shook my head as if he could see me, "No."

"Good. I'll be there soon." He replied.

I perked up, "No! Don't come here. It hasn't been four days."

"I got in my car as I answered your call. You've been having bad anxiety ever since that dream where you were kidnapped. I'm coming over and that's final. In fact I'm pulling into the driveway now." Jaime said sternly into the phone. I gulped loudly. I didn't mean to bother Jaime. I didn't mean to wake him up. I don't want him to get in trouble for breaking the four day rule.

I heard him close his car door on the other end of the line at the same time as I heard it outside. I bit my lip, "Go back home, Jaime. It hasn't been four days."

"To hell with the four day rule. You need me." I heard keys jingling on the other end. Why did Dad even give him a key to the house? I wanted to protest. To force Jaime to go back home. All I could do was stay silent. Jaime also stayed silent as I heard him walking through the house, "I'll be up there in a minute, Juliet. Just try to keep your breathing steady."

I nodded again. I hadn't even realized my breathing was heavy. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing. In. out. In. Out.

"Juliet, would you unlock your bedroom door?" Jaime asked through the phone but I could hear him on the other side of the door. I nodded again. I didn't even realize I had locked my door. I guess I didn't want Dad to come in here while I was having anxiety. I slowly crawled off of the bed and made my way to the door before unlocking it. I turned the handle so the door could open, revealing a worried looking Jaime. He slid his phone into his pocket before pushing the door open and pulling me into his arms.

Ever since that one dream I had on tour, my anxiety became worse. I started feeling like I was being a burden on the guys. And they started babying me. I tried to push Jaime away. I was a teenager and needed to deal with this on my own. Jaime held me tightly as he smoothed my hair down, "Shhh. It's okay, baby. I've got you."

I went limp in his embrace and started to cry into his chest. Why was I like this? He slowly sat down in the floor and cradled me like I was a child. I gave in. To be honest, I needed this. I needed to be held. It made me feel more in check with reality. Jaime rocked us back and forth for a few minutes until my breathing became normal. I felt a kiss on the top of my head and looked up at him, wiping the tears from my eyes. I was embarrassed to admit I needed him to comfort me.

Jaime rubbed his face on his shoulder and it was then I noticed he was crying, too. I reached up and wiped his tears. He was crying because of me. Was he annoyed at coming here? Was he sad that I pulled him away from something? Jaime gave me a small smile, "Sorry. I just feel helpless sometimes when you have an attack. I want to take them away from you so you don't have to deal with them."

I smiled and leaned my head down on his shoulder. Anxiety makes you feel like a burden all the time. It makes you clam up and want to be non-existent. It's the only thing I would change about my life. Jaime held me tightly to him, "I would do anything if I could take your anxieties."

I hugged him, "I love you, Jaime. Thank you for always being here."

"Anytime, princess, anytime." He said as he leaned his head down on top of mine. I listened to his heartbeat and smiled, thinking back to the times when I was little and he would hold me like this during a panic attack. This wonderful feeling of love enveloped me. I wanted this feeling to stay with me and for the anxiety to go away. But I knew it wouldn't. Jaime picked me up and sat me down on the bed, "I'm going to get something for you to drink. I panicked and grabbed your medicine but nothing to drink. I just wanted to hurry up and get to you."

I nodded. Jaime gave me a small smile before vanishing out of my bedroom door. I heard his footsteps go down the stairs and the short silence turned into Dad snoring. I couldn't help but giggle. Dad's snores always made me laugh. I grabbed Jellybean and pulled her close to me as I leaned back on the bed. It wasn't long before Jaime came back into the room with a can of green tea. He opened it before handing it to me along with the little peachy colored tablet. I quickly took it and gulped down half the can of green tea.

"There. You'll be feeling better in no time, mija. Do you want to watch a movie?" Jaime asked as he set the can down on my bedside table. He took his shoes off before getting on my bed beside me. He was already dressed in a tee shirt and sweat pants. I nodded as I climbed under the covers, "They put Gremlins on Netflix."

Jaime turned the tv on before getting up and turning the overhead light off. He climbed under the covers with me before pulling me into him and turning on Netflix. I dramatically groaned, "I'm too old to be cuddled like a baby."

Jaime shook his head, "Tone and I will always cuddle you, no matter how old you are or what you say, so get over it."

I rolled my eyes. I could fight with him and win, but I didn't feel like it. I cuddled into him, lying my head down on his chest and keeping my eyes on the screen as he started Gremlins. Jaime is the best godfather I could ever ask for. He's the best second dad in the world. I don't even know where I would be without him and Dad both. It wasn't long into the movie that I fell asleep, feeling completely content with my life.

Misadventures (Tony Perry's Daughter)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora