In Bloom

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I heard an alarm go off. I groaned and sat up, pushing an arm off of me and rubbing my eyes. Vic gave a little snore as he moved his now disturbed arm and put it over his head. All four men looked dead to the world and unfazed by the alarm going off. That's exactly why they have someone that wakes them up for important things. I crawled off of the mattresses and towards the sound of the annoying buzzer. I came to the left side of the tv where I saw Jaime's phone lit up with the words 'Get Mija Ready' across the screen. I turned the alarm off before rubbing my eyes again. 

I didn't want to go to school today. I wanted to stay home in the fort and continue watching movies. The last movie I remember watching was Jurassic Park. I grabbed the backpack Jaime handed me last night and crawled out of the fort. I went to the downstairs bathroom and took a quick shower. Even though Dad packed my makeup bag, I didn't really want to fool with it so I just got dressed and walked into Jaime's kitchen. I grabbed the box of Oreo-Os and made myself a bowl. 

My unmistakable ringtone of Failure's Not Flattering by New Found Glory blared through the guys snores and I scrambled into the fort to answer my phone before it woke any of them up. 

I half expected to see a band member's name on my screen but it was Blake, to my surprise.


"Hey! If you want to bring twenty bucks to school I can buy your ticket to see State Champs later." Blake said cheerily. 

I gave a shrug then remembered he couldn't see me, "Oh yeah. I had asked my dad to get the deetz on that when you told me about it but he's currently passed out in the living room with the rest of the ban-family."

"Oh. If he can find out more than what I know, which is ticket price, time, and place, then let me know. I'm totally down to see them." Blake replied.

"Same. I love State Champs. Plus, my dad owes me for a show since he left me in the crowd for Neck Deep and I Prevail." He didn't really leave me. I was with Lee, Dani, and Fil. And Dad can't watch a show with me when it's his band playing and I understand that. 

"See, if he joins us and leaves, I'll still be there. We can rock all night."

I laughed a little before going into the living room and crawling into the fort. The smell of beer and sweet snacks hit me like a rock. How much did they drink last night? I know they can down alcohol but wow I didn't take much notice. I jumped onto the mattresses with not even a flicker of movement from the guys, "Yeah, I'm down. But I might not make it to school today."

"Why not?" Blake asked quickly.

I poked Jaime's cheek which only made him snort in his sleep. "Because I can't wake anyone up. They're super heavy sleepers."

Blake gave a small chuckle as Dad's snoring became louder. "I can pick you up no problem. Just tell me where you live."

"I'm actually at Hime's place. He lives in Rosewater-"

"Really?! I live in Rosewater. Which road is he on?"

"Forrest Lane."

"Cool. I live on Flint Street. Just tell me when you're ready and my brother and I'll come pick you up."

I gave another shrug, "I'll be ready once I brush my teeth and put my shoes on."

"Same for me. See you in about ten minutes?" Blake asked.

"Yeah. Ten minutes I'll be outside." I replied and said a small goodbye before hanging up. I gave all four guys a kiss on their foreheads before crawling back out of the fort and into the bathroom. I dug around in my backpack for a toothbrush and came out empty handed. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Dad to forget a simple but important thing. I opened the middle drawer and pulled out the spare toothbrush I keep here and brushed my teeth. 

After I finished brushing my teeth I ran the hairbrush through my hair quickly and then went into the living room to find my pair of white converse among the guys pile of shoes. I grabbed Vic's pair first and put one on before realizing it was too big. I groaned and grabbed the other pair of white Converse and put them on. I grabbed my floral Vans backpack Dad had placed by the door before going out to sit on the porch and waiting for Blake.

I pulled out my phone and shot a group text to the four almost dead men in the living room behind me to let them know I was off to school, but left out who picked me up. Then I decided to reply to Dani's texts. When he had called me yesterday it was to apologize that he let what happened on tour slip up to Mike. As soon as I sent my text saying that I forgave him, his face popped up on my screen. I rolled my eyes and answered the call, "Do you not know how early it is here?"

"You're already awake though, aren't you?"

"You got me there." I replied.

Dani chuckled on the other end, "I really am sorry I let it slip, you know. I just wanted Mike to keep a close eye on you since you were starting a new school. I don't want you getting pissed and coming onto fuckbois who don't deserve your time."

"How nice of you to think about me, Dani. I was almost banned from going on tours because of that."

"No. Did Tony try to ban you? I'll beat his ass. He might have more tattoos but I have the muscle. I need my little show junkie to come on our future collab tours and cause havoc with me." Dani replied. A red four door Camry pulled up to the driveway. I saw Blake's face before standing up and walking to the passenger side and climbing into the back.

"I'd seriously like to see you and Dad fight. But anyways since it's so early and you so rudely called me, I have to go on to school. Talk to you later." I said as I buckled up.

"What? You were already awake before I called you! I'll call you when you get out of school and you can hear some of the new stuff. Bye little turtle." Dani replied before hanging up.

I shook my head and put my phone in the front pocket of my backpack, "Sorry about that. My friend lives over in the U.K. and he doesn't have the concept of time."

Blake shrugged and the driver backed out of the driveway, "No problem. How do you have a friend in the U.K.? Internet friend?"

"No. My dad travels a lot for his job and I travel with him because he's gone for so long. I met him then."

"What kind of job does your dad have?"

I bit my lip. I can't say he's a guitarist in a band, it would blow my cover. "He's a guitar expert to put it in simple terms. If you want non-simple terms then ask someone who listens to what he talks about half the time."

Blake chuckled, "Sounds like an amazing job to have. If I could play the guitar I would want to do something like that with my life."

"Is this England guy your boyfriend?"

I felt like rolling my eyes. What is it with people asking about boyfriends lately? I shook my head, "No. Dani is too old. He's like almost double my age. I only know him because he worked with my dad for a few months. And when you basically live with someone for a few months you just become friends."

Blake gave a shrug, "Sometimes. Or you hate each other. But we have another thing in common, and that's we both have a friend named Danny. Oh! This is my older brother Brent."

I nodded to the driver who had short dark hair, "Nice to meet you. Thank you for picking me up."

"No problem." He replied as he kept driving us to school.


This chapter was actually inspired by Neck Deeps album release today! So go check out The Peace And The Panic already!

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