We Both Started Running

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I stood in the crowd in between Lee and Dani, the three of us being shoved up against the barrier. I was grateful the guys stood in he crowd with me, even though Lee had his hair up in a beanie and Dani did the same and wore fake glasses so one one would recognize them. During the I Prevail set it was only Dani, Fil, and me but Dani and Fil had to leave when Neck Deep's set was about to start. It makes sense that the band members would have to be on stage to perform after all. Lee had snuck under the barrier before Dani and Fil left so I wouldn't be alone during the set.

Dani, being as strong as he is, had came in through the front door and shoved his way to the front where we were to join us for Pierce the Veil's set. This was the first time this tour that I had gotten in the crowd. I don't normally do this because I have to go alone since the crowd could easily recognize someone if they came with me. And those four Mexicans I call my family can't make up a good disguise even if someone from Hollywood did their makeup.

I was excited when Dani and Fil asked me if I wanted to join them in the crowd because they wanted to watch I Prevail's set. I hesitated at first but then said yes because I love being in the crowd at shows. I have so much fun when I go to concerts with the guys. Dani and Fil didn't take long to disguise themselves and I chose not to do anything because who cares about Tony Perry's daughter, anyways.

Dad started the chords of Circles and I couldn't help myself from screaming in excitement along with the crowd. This was the last song of the night and I grabbed both Lee and Dani's hands as I started to jump up and down with the beat. The two smiled at me and started to jump with me. I'm sure Lee was tired. After his set he came down here and jumped with me to several Neck Deep songs. Dani had a few beers so he had energy for days. Or at least until he drank so much that he passed out. Dad glanced down at us and smiled.

When the song ended and Vic said his final goodnights to the crowd, Dad threw his guitar to Bray, one of the band's techs, and stood at the end of the stage in front of me. He mouthed 'come on' to me and Lee and Dani both lifted me over the barrier. The security guards rolled their eyes at us, hoping no one would start trying to hop the barrier along with us. When I got to the stage Dani lifted me up and Dad grabbed my arm before pulling me onto the stage. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Did you have fun?" He asked as he waved at the crowd and pulled me off stage.

I nodded, "A lot of fun. I wish you were down there with me, too."

"Me, too, pumpkin. We'll hit up venues when we get home, how about that?"

I smiled, "Yes, please!"

Mike wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and picked me up, "Let's get ready to party, Baby Turtle!"

I giggled as he swung me around in a circle. When he set me down and ran out of the back door towards the bus I heard a couple of screams from fans outside. The venue put up a portable chain link fence earlier and I knew a couple of security guards were stationed out here, but it got my anxiety going. What if the fans broke the fence down and attacked us? Dad smiled and draped his arm over my shoulder, "Want me to walk you to the bus?"

I shook my head. The guys loved meeting fans just as much as fans loved meeting them. I hated when my anxiety kicked up like this and tried to steal minutes from their fans. As soon as we stepped out the doors I saw Ben leaving the fence, coming towards us. Ben normally talked with fans, even if they weren't fans of Neck Deep. Ben gave me a smile, "Hey, Jules, do you want to go to the store with me to pick some things up?"

I started to shake my head but Dad pushed me towards Ben, "Take my card and get some beer. Get some snacks, too."

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