Work of Art

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I was pulled out of the tight embrace of Alex, along with Jack, after Dad came into the room. I was still sobbing uncontrollably. Was it anger from seeing Russell? What he did to me? Dad held me tightly and I could see him holding back tears himself. He gave me a small smile, "Hey Princess, he's gone. He isn't coming back."

"Is he dead?"

Dad leaned his head down on mine, "No, he's not dead."

He moved my wet hair out of my face and placed a kiss on my forehead, "You're cold. You need to get out of these wet clothes."

I wrapped my legs around Dad's waist as he headed towards the stairs. He gave a small chuckle at my childish action. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head down on my arm. I closed my eyes and held back a sigh. I had to go back to school tomorrow and I knew I would see Russell there. 

"Hey, I can make you a hot bubble bath like you always want when we are on tour?" Dad asked as he came into my bedroom.

I shook my head, "I don't want to be alone."

Dad walked into my bathroom and set me down on the counter, "I can stay in here with you."

I raised my eyebrows at him. Nothing like having your dad offer to stay in the bathroom with you while you take a bath. Talk about awkward. Dad chuckled and shook his head, "I meant I can stay in the bedroom while you're in here. I wouldn't be far."

Without another word from me Dad started the water in the bathtub. I looked down at the large AFI shirt and red plaid overshirt I was wearing. The AFI shirt belonged to Mike and the plaid shirt belonged to Dad. I took off the plaid shirt and placed it in the sink so it wouldn't soak anything and started to take off my white Converse that are now caked in mud and have dirt on them. 

"There you are." I heard Jaime say before he appeared in my small bathroom. 

I looked up at him to see his dark brown eyes bloodshot and puffy. He gave me a smile as if nothing was wrong before booping a finger on the tip of my nose, "Are you alright?"

I didn't reply but held my hand out, grabbing onto Jaime's arm. Jaime smiled at me in return before trying to ruffle up my wet hair, "I sent Mike to the store to get some ice cream and cake."

"I think a hoard of bunnies would make me feel better." I said softly. Dad chukled as he turned to look at us, "Didn't you say someone famous was attacked by a hoard of bunnies?"

I nodded, "Napoleon Bonaparte was attacked by bunnies. They were starved, though so it wasn't their fault."

Dad and Jaime both shrugged at each other like they didn't know what I was talking about. But they always do that when I say random facts. Jaime grabbed the plaid shirt, my socks, and my shoes before planting a kiss on the side of my head and leaving the room. Dad gave me a little smile as he poured rose scented bubble bath in the running water and headed towards the door, "I'll be in your room if you need anything."

I nodded, "Would you play your guitar or something?"

I didn't want it to be quiet. That would just be weird. Dad nodded before leaving the room and closing the bathroom door so it was cracked open a bit. I hopped off the counter and did my best to peel the dark blue high waisted skinny jeans off. When I finally got them off I tossed them into the sink and climbed into the bathtub. The hot water enveloped me and I greatly welcomed it. I slid down into the tub to get the AFI shirt warmed. I didn't want to get undressed in case someone came in, so I kept the shirt and undies on. When the tub was full I shut the water off, to hear Dad playing New Found Glory's Truck Stop Blues in the next room. I smiled softly to myself as I sunk down and let the hot water and bubbles completely envelop me.

I don't know how long I've been in the bath. The bubbles are all gone and the water is lukewarm now. The guys have been jamming in my bedroom and I've been completely content sitting here listening to them. I took in a deep breath and smiled to myself. A knock on the door frame made me open my eyes and look over to see who was interrupting my solitude. Dad was standing at the door sheepishly, a red tint on his cheeks as he glanced into the bathroom, "You've been in here a while."

I nodded and sat up, grabbing the stopper to let the water out and scrunching up the AFI shirt to get the water out. Dad raised his eyebrows, "You bathed in clothes?"

"I've seen all of you by accident. I'm not taking any chances especially when the door is open." I replied as I stood up, "Would you get me some fresh clothes to wear?"

Dad left the bathroom before Jaime came in. Jaime grabbed a towel from the linen closet and placed it on my head. He started to ruffle it around in an attempt to dry my hair, "Are you feeling better?"

"I always feel better around you guys." I said. Jaime smiled, his dimples prominent. 

Dad came back into the bathroom before setting a stack of clothes on the counter, "Here. There's cake and ice cream in the kitchen"

Jaime stuck his tongue out at me before pushing Dad out of the bathroom and closing the door, leaving me alone. I sighed and quickly got undressed, dried myself off, and put on the black leggings and large solid black shirt. I dunked the wet clothes in the bathtub and left the bathroom. Alex, Jack, and Vic had guitars and were strumming around. Jack set his guitar to the side before smiling at me and standing up as he engulfed me in a tight hug, "I thought I would die of old age before you came out of there. Want to eat your weight in cake?"

I nodded before booping Jack on the nose, "Race you." 

I took off to the kitchen, leaving Jack with the rest of the gang in my room. When I made it to the kitchen with Jack right behind me, the doorbell rang. Alex yelled from the living room, "GOT IT!"

I looked up at Jack and shrugged. Who would be coming here? I grabbed plates from the cabinet and started to open up the three cake boxes sitting on the counter. Jack pointed to the cakes, "I think it was vanilla, funfetti, and marble. Or this one is marble and this one is funfetti."

"JULIET, YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE HERE!" Alex yelled as I heard the front door close. I rolled my eyes. How many times do I have to tell them I'm not dating Blake? I headed towards the living room, "Single Pringle, Alex!"

When I came into the living room I saw Andrew, Brent, Blake, and Veronica standing awkwardly together. Veronica looked like she was about to pass out as she stared at Alex while Andrew, Brent, and Blake all held items. Great. They get to see me looking like a wet rat. It can't be any better than them seeing me overdosing or in a hospital bed, can it?

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I asked softly as I leaned against the wooden archway frame. 

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