It's Beating For You Anyways

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"What are you two doing?" Dad asked as he came into the room.

Mike and Vic let go of their embrace to look at Dad, "Trying to turn Juliet into an innocent toddler again because she's starting to ask about boys."

"That's it. You're officially a baby again. One of us has to carry you or hold your hand at all times and we will spoon feed you." Dad said as he sternly folded his arms across his chest.

I groaned and put my head in my hands, "I'm fourteeeen, Dad. I'm not a baby anymore."

Dad shoved his way in between Vic and Mike before wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling me into him, "You'll ALWAYS be my baby."

The bus swerved and came to an abrupt stop, causing the four of us to crash to the floor. Luckily I landed on Mike instead of the piles of shoes, but Dad and Vic were on top of us. Groans came from all around me but I couldn't breathe with the two heffalumps on top of me. Vic climbed over us to get to the front of the bus where the bus driver is.

"Tony get your ass up." Mike said from under me. Dad groaned again before dramatically throwing his hand up in the air, "I cannot move for I am dead."


Dad laughed before rolling over and sitting up. I sat up and punched him in the arm. How dare he be dramatically dead on top of me. I'm a tiny fragile little baby turtlebunny. Dad ruffled my hair up, "Are you alright, Juliet?"

"Yeah, just a few broken ribs and a punctured lung." I said seriously before punching Mike in the shoulder. 

Mike instantly pulled me into a headlock, "It's on, Baby Perry."

"You started it by eating my forgiveness pie." I said as I tried to hit Mike in the face but was being unsuccessful since I couldn't see anything other than his tattooed arm. I heard a loud pop before Vic's stern voice, "Mike let her go."

"But she hit me first." Mike whined.

"You shouldn't have ate her pie."

"What the fuck is a forgiveness pie?" Dad asked as he stood up and fixed himself a cup of coffee, "And what happened?"

"A deer jumped out in the road and the car in front of us slammed on its brakes. Steve swerved so he wouldn't hit the car. They drove off and the deer hopped off so we're about to be on our way." Vic answered as he grabbed a cup of coffee and took it towards the front of the bus, presumably to give to Steve. Dad looked down at me before holding his hand out. I took it, letting him pull me to my feet, "What the fuck is a forgiveness pie?"

I sat down at the table and sent Mike a glare, "Fil bought me a bag of apple pies yesterday as an apology for getting me drunk and Mike ate one."

"And you forgave him?"

"That's why they're forgiveness pies." I replied.

Mike sat down at the table across from me, "Tony had two last night."

"Daaaaaad." I whined.

Dad chuckled before pushing me over in the booth and sitting beside me, "I'm sorry. I didn't know they were yours."

I leaned my head on Dad's shoulder as he took a sip of his coffee, "It's okay."

Mike pouted at me from across the table. I shrugged, "You didn't say sorry."

"This isn't over, Baby Perry. You'll never get rid of me." Mike said as he pointed at me. 

I rolled my eyes. I already can't get rid of him. What does he expect to do? Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "We'll be there when you're like fifty and super old."

I shook my head, "You have nineteen years before you're fifty so you're basically already there, Dad."

Dad shook his head, "It's not that close. I'm not that old. Vic's the oldest."

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