Love Yourself

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After Kellin and Jack found out what really happened to me, I ended up sandwiched between them in my bed. I couldn't help myself from crying after I saw Jack crying. Kellin held in tears, if he even felt sorry for me at all. Jack and Alex are my best friends, apart from the four Mexicans. I feel like Kellin is more like an uncle I see on occasion.

"Your friends are pretty nice." Kellin said in an attempt to break the silence.

I shrugged, "Well I haven't known them that long."

"Blake and Brent are really cool." Jack said as he mindlessly ran his fingertips across my arm.

I rolled my eyes, "Still don't know them that well."

Jack leaned his head down until his forehead was touching my temple, "That's not what they said."

"Do tell, Jacky." Kellin said from the other side of me. I could feel the dampness of my hair on the pillow and I suddenly felt a bit of warmth inside my chest. Jack wouldn't lie to me. He has never lied to me.

Jack chuckled and took in a deep breath, "Well, when we were just hanging out they were telling me stories about how you were this shy little punk girl that always seemed to want to be around them when they skated the neighborhood. Apparently the first word you ever spoke around them was fuck and it was because Tony was pulling rocks out of your knee after he tried teaching you to skate."

I shook my head, "I would have cried if they wouldn't have been there, so I put up a cool kid front. They probably only liked me because of my family."

Jack chuckled, "Brent admitted to Jaime just an hour ago he didn't know he was in a band until two years ago when someone requested him to cover Bulletproof Love."

I looked over at Jack. If that was the case why did they always seem to hang around the boys instead of me? "Why did they hang around the guys more than me?"

"Because when they were down about you always shooting them down to hang out, Jaime admitted you were super shy and it would take a while for you to warm up to them. They understood and kept trying their best whenever you guys were home. And then you and Tony moved into your own place." Jack replied.

I sighed, "You know more about my supposed friends than I do."

Kellin chuckled and shook his head, "Well, you have slept all day and they came by twice. The second time is when Jack met them and then invited himself to be in a YouTube video and made them stay in the studio to do the video in case you woke up."

Twice? They came by twice?! Just to check on me? I'm not anything special and I haven't proven any kind of friendship to them or anything. But they have proven friendship to me. Blake could have not noticed I was gone. Andrew could have just said I passed out from drinking. He could have also done stuff to me since I was passed out and he found me with my pants down, but he took care of me and called Dad immediately. They didn't even have to wait in the waiting room for me to wake up.

"YouTube video?"

Jack nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! Brent was going to do a cover of Dirty Laundry and I couldn't help myself. I wanted to join. He has some talent, too. I thought he was going to pass out when he saw me and I asked if I could help with his video."

Kellin chuckled, "He almost passed out from all the questions you were drilling him with. I swear you sounded like a skeptical dad or an angry older brother."

Jack wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled me close into him, "I can't always physically be here for my little Piercing Jewel and I want to make sure her friends will take care of her."

I rolled my eyes, "My screen name is not a nick name, Jack. It sounds like you scared off any potential of friendship I could have had."

Jack and Kellin both chuckled. "If that was the case then Blake wouldn't have asked for one of us to tell you to text him when you woke up. He even brought you flowers."

Flowers? He brought me flowers? That's super sweet. I do remember Charlie saying something about flowers but the gift shop was closed. Maybe they still bought them. Kellin sat up, "I'm going to pester your dad to make some food. Want anything in particular?"

"No. I'm not hungry." I replied before forgetting to be nice, "Thank you, though. You're the guest so pester away with what you want."

Kellin chuckled before leaning down and placing a kiss on my cheek, "I'm here for you, too. Just remember I'm a text away."

I nodded, "Thanks, Kells."

He got off my bed and left my room, leaving my bedroom door open. I groaned and yelled towards the door, "CLOSE THE DOOR!"

"Sorry, Jules. You're on Suicide Watch for forty-eight hours upon the doctors orders. No closed doors." Jack said.

I rolled my eyes. Suicide watch. Dumbest thing ever. Sure, it's great for people who need it when they're being watched by people who actually care about them, but I don't need it. Will I try to kill myself just because some guy drugged me and raped me? No. I still don't even know if I had said yes or let him do it. I just know I was violated because I couldn't have said yes. I mean, yes, Russell is attractive, but I wouldn't willingly let him have sex with me, would I? I don't know him and I don't trust him. But I could have let him while I was drugged and overdosing.

Jack started to run his fingers over my arm, "I know "you're smarter than that", but it's just a precaution. Plus, your two best friends are here to help you get through this."

"Yeah, Dad said you two were on an airplane before you even knew what happened."

Jack nodded, "Yup. All we knew was you were in the hospital and you needed us. We didn't know why, if it was severe, just some kind of surgery, or what. We just knew we had to be here physically for you."

I rolled over and hugged Jack, "Thank you, Jack."

He hugged me tightly, "You're welcome, bunny."

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