There's Hell Over Me

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I woke up to strong arms around me. I was in someone's lap and being held tightly. I groaned and rubbed my face in the person's chest. I didn't want to wake up. My head was pounding and my throat was sore.

"Morning, pumpkin." Dad said. His voice sounded tired.

I looked up at him. his eyes were bloodshot. Did he not get much sleep last night because I was sick? I wanted to beat up Fil for getting me drunk. Mentally beat him up, anyways. Dad gave me a small smile before leaning down and planting a kiss on the top of my head. I tried to lift my hand to wipe his kiss off but he was holding me so tightly I couldn't remove my arms from around Jellybean.

"Daaaaad let me go." I said hoarsely.

Dad smiled before kissing my cheek, "Never."

I groaned and leaned my head back down on his shoulder and burying my face in his neck. Dad chuckled, making his body rumble lightly.

"Hey, I want baby turtle snuggles next." Jaime said before I felt his arms come around me and pry me out of Dad's tight embrace. I groaned and let Jaime snuggle me tightly as he sat down beside Dad. Dad copied my groan and leaned his head back on the couch, "It's been a while since I was so drunk I got sick."

I felt Jaime shrug beneath me, "I'll make sure you only have one bottle of tequila instead of three. Same for you, munchkin."

"I'm not drinking again." I say softly as I curl into Jaime and close my eyes.

"Hey, Tone, have you been able to keep it down?" I heard Vic ask as I felt the couch move with another weight being added to it. "Yeah." Dad replied.

"Just checking since Hime has Juliet. Dealing with two hungover Perrys isn't very fun." Vic said before I felt his hand move my bangs out of my face. I opened one eye to glare at him. Vic smiled at me, "Are you feeling alright, Jules?"

I shook my head and buried my face in Jaime's neck before mumbling, "I'll be better if I can go back to sleep."

Jaime chuckled again before repeating what I said, "She said she'll be better if she can go back to sleep."

"You two need to eat something and get yourselves re-hydrated. You've both been puking like crazy all night." Vic said sternly.

I couldn't remember Dad getting sick. I remember being sick. I also remember crying because I was dry heaving and I wanted it to stop. Jaime was wiping my face with a wash cloth and telling me it would be over soon. Before that I was in Dad's bunk with him and Vic was singing to us. I opened my eyes and looked up at Vic, "When did I get back here? I don't remember getting up."

"I carried you back here when Tony started to get sick. I was afraid he was going to wake  you up or crush you. Jaime came back here and took care of you while I took care of Tony." Vic explained before clapping his hands, making Dad and I both groan, "Now! Food and drink. Your choices. Go!"

"My choice is for you to speak softer, Vic." Dad replied before throwing Jellybean at Vic, who caught her gently. I whined and Vic handed her to me. "How dare you hurt that innocent fluff butt, Tony. You're grounded. A hamburger for you."

"I'll kick your ass if you feed me meat, Fuentes." Dad said.

Jaime leaned his head down on top of mine and rubbed my arm gently, "I know food is the last thing on your mind right now, but what would you eat? Or what do you think you could try to eat?"

"Shells and cheese." I replied softly. Jaime smiled, "Juliet wants that Velveeta macaroni and cheese. Vic nodded at me before sending a glare to Dad, "Mac and cheese for the princess and a hamburger for the grouch."

Vic left the back lounge, leaving the three of us to ourselves. In reality Vic would never give Dad a hamburger. He's too good of a friend to force Dad to eat meat. Plus, if he did jokingly get him a hamburger I'm sure Jaime would eat it. Jaime is a food disposal. The only food he won't touch is mine, unless if he's seen me eat more than half of it and knows I really am done. He always makes sure I've ate a certain amount every day. It's something about whenever they hear stories from fans about being bulimic or anorexic they all just make sure I eat. Same when it comes to hearing fan stories about cutting and suicide; they all hold me close and tell me how much they love me and how much I mean to them.

I mean, sure, I have really bad anxiety and I might get a little sad here and there but I'm not like that. I've never once thought about putting anything sharp to my skin or ending my life. Plus, I like food too much to stop eating it. And it breaks my heart to hear stories of fans feeling that way. If I believed in God I would pray for every fan every night. Instead I do send a wish up to whatever higher being there is, if there even is one, that all the fans would feel love. I've always felt like I was pretty lucky to have grown up with so much love around me.

There were a few times I can remember when some girlfriends weren't happy with me always getting all of the attention. One was a girl Mike dated and the other was some girl Dad tried to date. Let's just say they both chose me over the other girls. Dad has only dated a few times since Mom died and he says he felt like it wasn't the right time or the right person. I've always just wanted Dad to be happy and fully support him in either his dating life or his non-dating life. Sometimes I think he would like to marry Princess Leia, but then again I think all Star Wars nerds do.

Misadventures (Tony Perry's Daughter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें