Matching Water

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At some point during the second movie, Kellin fell asleep. He was snoring softly, his head had rolled back onto Alex's knee. Jaime was holding onto Caramel, the bunny Blake made for me. I got up, climbing over Jaime to put the third Child's Play into the DVD player.

"Oh shit, I need to head to the airport." Alex said as he glanced at his phone.

I felt my heart sink a little. He wasn't leaving already, was he? I still needed him here. He moved Kellin's head off of his leg and stood up, "Anyone care to be my airport companion?"

"Are you going back home?" I asked softly.

Alex shook his head, "Absolutely not. Just picking up someone."

Jaime stood up and stretched, "I'll go."

The two left quickly, saying goodbyes. I plopped back down onto the couch, taking over Alex's spot. Jaime had placed Caramel into the spot when he stood up. I took her into my arms and leaned into Jack, "Who are they picking up?"

Jack gave a shrug, "This is the one about when Andy is at boot camp or something, right?"

I rolled my eyes at the subject change, "Yeah. Who are they picking up?"

Jack glanced at me, "Play the movie."

I shook my head, "Tell me who they are picking up and I'll share my Sour Patch Kids with you."

"Don't tell her, Jack." Mike said as he hit play on the DVD remote.

"But. I want Sour Patch Kids." Jack replied and gave me a pouty face.

I sighed and held the bag out to Jack. He gave a squeal of excitement and grabbed a handful of the candy before putting them in his mouth. Andrew chuckled, "You're so much like my sister it's crazy."

Veronica rolled her eyes and looked over at her brother, "Hush. I'm sure Jack and I are completely different. We will only do things for Sour Patch Kids."

Jack stuck his thumbs up, "Sour Patch Kids are life!"

"Anyone interesting coming?" I asked as I placed a handful of Sour Patch Kids in my mouth. I felt Jack shrug, "He's just a close friend. Someone who treats you like a little sister. And someone that used to steal your suckers."

The only person other than Jaime that used to steal my suckers is Zack. I felt my face light up as I looked over at Jack with a smile, "Is it Zack?!"

Brent sat up and stared at us, "Zack Merrick? Is that who you're talking about?"

"Jack!" Mike said as he threw a pizza crust at jack, "You weren't supposed to tell her!"

Jack threw the pizza crust back at Mike, a disgusted look on his face, "Technically I didn't tell her, I gave a hint and she guessed it."

"Next time don't give a big hint." Mike said as he sent Jack a glare.

Jack stuck his tongue out at Mike and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into him to cuddle. I shook my head. My closest friends are children. I pulled out of the embrace, worried what Blake would think if he saw. I honestly liked him. I don't know if he likes me or sees me as anything other than the little girl who had rocks in her knee. But if there's a slight chance he does then I don't want anything to ruin that. Jack leaned down to my ear, "When they get back, act like you didn't know who was coming."

I nodded. If anything Zack was an older brother to me. I would be excited to see him regardless of if I knew he was coming or not. I held the bunny close as I ate my candy and watched the movie. Ten minutes later I could only focus on Kellin's snores so I poked Jack. He turned to me, "Hmm?"

"Mind switching spots with me? Kellin's starting to snore." I said.

Jack made a dramatic sigh before standing up. I quickly scooted into his spot before he sat back down. At least this way I was now sitting beside Blake. I felt a small blush come up on my cheeks and tried to make it go away. There's no way he would date me. Especially with those four goons around. Plus, I bet he doesn't even like me like that. And if he did, why would he date me when I've been ruined?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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