Movie Madness

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Blake gave me a smile, "Well, we haven't heard from you so we decided to drop by."

Jack suddenly appeared beside me, "Yo! How has the video done?"

Brent nodded as he walked towards us and handed me a bag. I glanced down at the bag as I took it. Brent looked at his phone, "It's set to go live in about fifteen minutes."

Alex huffed and grabbed my hand before pulling me away, "We shouldn't associate with people that don't wake us up for fun videos."

"We can make another one." Brent said as he motioned to the bag in my hand, "I wouldn't mind a guest singer."

Alex giggled like a little child, "You hear that, Bunny? A guest singer. That's you!"

I shook my head and glared at Alex before opening the bag. He knows I don't sing in front of people. He and Vic had a great idea to teach me to sing one time. It took them three weeks straight until I finally caved in. I was born with a singing voice to match Dad's. But after a few months on tour of both Vic and Alex teaching me daily, I have been able to hold a note. I'm not on their levels, though. I pulled a boxed set of Child's Play out of the bag and looked over at Brent. He gave a smile, "I was told you love horror movies but don't own these."

I nodded and smiled, "Yeah. Dad doesn't like Chucky at all. Thank you."

"Wait, you can sing?" Blake asked as he handed me the bag in his hand. I shook my head, "Not really. Alex and Vic tried their best to teach me. I can hold a note but I'm still in the boat of sucking."

Alex rolled his eyes, "Don't you dare. You can be amazing if you just practice."

"Sure thing. I'll do that after I die." I replied as I opened the bag.

"You can't be that bad, especially if Alex taught you." Veronica said softly.

Jack chuckled, "You should have heard her before the lessons."

I turned around and punched Jack in the arm before opening the bag Blake handed me. I pulled out a light brown stuffed bunny. It had floppy ears, brown eyes, and a pink nose made out of thread. I looked over at Blake, "They also said I love bunnies?"

He nodded with a smile, "They said you love stuffed bunnies. So I made this one for you at Build a Bear."

I pulled it out of the bag and gave it a little squeeze. It was soft and floppy. "We all named it Caramel because it looks like it's made with caramel. But you can change it on the birth certificate if you want."

I shook my head, "No, Caramel is great."

Veronica pushed her way past the boys and handed me a cd case with a blank cd in it, "Mines not much. But it's a lot of songs that make me feel better when I'm in a bad place."

I smiled as I took the cd, "Thank you."

"I smell a best friend." Mike said as he came up beside us. "You know, music is the way to connect with everyone. If you share music that means something to you then you're letting that person see part of your soul."

I shook my head, "You sound like Vic. Go back upstairs."

Mike chuckled before ruffling my hair up, "Tone wants you to have dinner, more than just cake and ice cream. What do you want?"

I shrugged, "Something that can be delivered. Is everyone alright with pizza?"

Everyone nodded, "Yeah."

"Anyone have any requests?" Mike asked.

A chorus of cheese and pepperoni went around the living room. Mike smiled and went into the kitchen to order the pizza. Andrew stepped forward and handed me another bag. I took it and peered down into it. Packs of Twizzlers, Sour Patch Kids, jelly beans, and caramels were in the bag. "And they told you my favorite candy."

Andrew shrugged, "Well, I had to get one of them to ask. You need movie snacks."

"Thank you guys. I don't deserve you as friends." I replied.

"If you didn't deserve us, we wouldn't have saved you." Blake said before stepping forward and pulling me into a hug.

Brent nodded, "Yeah. You rock so much your dad has to pull rocks out of your knee."

I rolled my eyes. "Hopefully he will never have to pull rocks out of my knee again. Are you guys up for a little marathon?"

Everyone nodded their heads. I smiled, "Let's get this party started!"

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