Sick As Theives

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I whined after another wave of vomit came over me. I hated being sick. I still didn't know how I got drunk last night, unless Fil was putting alcohol into my fruit punch. That was my first time ever being drunk and it was definitely going to be my last. I rolled over and snuggled into the warm body next to me, who in turn wrapped their arm around me and held me close. I felt a kiss on the top of my head, "It will be over soon, baby girl."

"I promise I didn't drink, Daddy." I said and started to cry.

Dad rubbed my back gently, "I know you didn't. Fil admitted he kept getting your drinks mixed up last night. He was giving you alcoholic fruit punch while he had regular fruit punch. He apologized."

I groaned and rolled back over the edge of the bunk before vomiting red gunk into the garbage can someone placed there for me. I was going to give Fil a piece of my mind later. I'm only fourteen! He should have been a better adult and made sure he gave me non-alcoholic fruit punch. Then again he was so drunk he didn't know his left from right. I shouldn't have accepted anything from him and made my own drink. I rolled over and snuggled back into Dad, waiting for sleep to overtake the sickness and pull me into dreamland. 

Dad held me tightly and started to sing softly so he wouldn't wake up any of the other guys. Jaime was passed out on the couch and Mike was snoring loudly underneath Vic's bunk. 

" The needle on my record player has been wearing thin

This record has been playing since the day you've been with him
No more long rides home
No more of your station
I didn't like it anyways
Remember the time we wrote our names upon the wall

Remember the time we realized "Thriller" was our favorite song"

I smiled at how off key Dad was as he sang New Found Glory to me. I didn't mind. He was a guitar player, not a singer, anyways. New Found Glory has been one of my favorite bands since I can remember. And it's been a long time since Dad sang to me. I buried my face in his tattooed neck and closed my eyes. When I was younger I always slept with Dad while we were on tour. I didn't like being in a bunk by myself. And I would always curl my fingers around in his hair. I loved Dad having long hair. Now it's only Vic that has long hair. 

"It's a good thing I'm the singer of this band." Vic said sleepily from beside us. I turned my head to see Vic sitting beside our bunk, his head resting on my pillow.

"I like Dad's lullabies." I forced out, my throat raw from all the stomach acid mixed in with vomit.

Vic gave me a smile before running his finger over my cheek, "I know you do baby turtle. Do you think you can keep something down? A few sips of water, maybe. I don't want you to get dehydrated."

I shook my head, "I didn't mean to wake you up."

Vic stood up before planting a kiss on my cheek and leaving the bunks. I knew he was going to get some water and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it down. Just the thought made me even more nauseous. It wasn't long before Vic came back to the bunk, sitting back down on the floor. He held a glass out to me with a paper unicorn straw sticking out of it, "Take small sips."

I raised my head slightly and took a couple of the smallest sips I've ever managed in my life. You couldn't even call them sips, more like getting a few big rain drops. I leaned my head back down and closed my eyes. The nausea didn't seem to be any worse so I raised my head and took a couple more sips, a little bigger this time. Vic set the cup down and pushed my bangs off of my sweaty forehead, "Good girl. Do you think you can eat a piece of bread?"


Vic got up again, this time vanishing into the small bathroom. When he came back he put a cold washcloth on my forehead. He picked the glass up again and held the straw towards me, "Another few sips, please?"

I rolled my eyes. He was persistent but I raised my head and took a few bigger sips before leaning back down. I knew I couldn't take much more water unless I wanted to vomit some more. I put my hand up and pushed the cup and Vic's hand away, "No more."

Vic gave a small chuckle before holding the cup over me, "Here, Tone. You need some hydration, too. You drank a pretty good bit."

Dad sat up and downed the glass of water before replying, "I didn't drink that much."

Vic took the now empty cup, "You cried after Juliet fell asleep because you don't want her to grow up anymore."

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Dad as he fluffed his pillow a bit, "You're a dork."

Dad smiled, "Maybe. But I'm still your father."

Dad rolled over so he was on his side and pulled me into him, wrapping his right arm around me and holding me tight. Vic leaned his head back down on my pillow and grabbed my hand, slowly caressing it with his thumb, before softly singing New Found Glory and slowly lulling me into a deep sleep.

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