Rock Smash

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During the ride to school I found out a lot of cool things about Blake's brother. He's into a lot of the music we like and he's an aspiring YouTuber who makes covers of songs. He's a senior and plays basketball on the school's team.

"So you can play any instrument?" I asked Brent as he pulled into a parking spot.

Brent shrugged, "Not well, but if you set one in front of me I can figure something out on it."

Blake rolled his eyes as we got out of the car, "It sucks that he got all the musical talent. Girls dig guys that can play something."

"But doesn't it only matter if you're famous?" I asked.

Brent chuckled, "This girl is my new best friend."

"My uncles would fight you on that." I replied as we walked into school. Brent pumped a fist into the air, "Bring it!"

"Dude. I met one of her uncles last night and briefly met one yesterday. I'd suggest you don't fuck with them. They're like Jeremy McKinnon hardcore." Blake said as if he was trying to save his older brothers life. I have a shrug, "Jeremy looks all hardcore but he's really a sweet teddy bear."

"Yeah, everyone knows that Blake. He just looks intimidating." Brent said. I bit my lip nervously. I almost gave myself away but luckily a lot of people know how most band members are. As long as I don't say anything too personal I should be good. I stopped in front of the classroom door to my first class and pointed at it, "English is up for me. I'll see you guys later. And thanks again for the ride."

Brent gave a smile and a welcome before leaving Blake and I by going down the hall. Blake raised his eyebrows at me, "This is my first class, too."

The two of us walked in and made our way to the back to claim our desks. I leaned back in the desk and closed my eyes. I should not have stayed up late last night. Blake seemed to notice how tired I was, "Did you not get much sleep?"

I shook my head, "Nope. We stayed up late watching movies."

"Anything good?"

I nodded, "Some classics. I really wanted to watch a new horror movie but the guys don't like anything scary but I forced them to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street, which normally gives Hime nightmares. Sleepy Hollow. Coraline. Dead Poet's Society. And then I fell asleep to Jurassic Park."

"Nice picks." Blake responded. "So which one was Hime, again?"

"Jaime is my dad's best friend and my godfather. He's the one that literally picked me up yesterday." I replied.

Blake nodded, "Oh yeah. He called me your boyfriend."

I face palmed, "Yeah. Basically any guy my age that I talk to is considered my boyfriend by him. And he will do his best to embarrass the both of us."

"I don't embarrass easily, so I'm in the clear. As long as he doesn't actually try to kill me or anything I'm cool."

"Well, I don't know if he will actually try to kill you or not. We can test this by saying you kissed me."

Ooops. That was a little bit too bold. I shouldn't have said that. What  if he thinks I'm coming onto him? What if he doesn't think I'm attractive and shuts me down? Blake chuckled, "I don't want to piss off a guy who lives down the street from me. How long has he lived there, anyways?"

I shrugged, "Seven years, I think? Dad and I lived with him for the first two years. And then again when Dad wanted to buy a bigger house and our hose sold before we had a new one so we lived with Hime for a few months before tour."

Oh no. I just let tour slip from my mouth. Maybe he won't notice I said it. I don't want to explain myself. Maybe I can just say a tour of the world. That sounds dumb but he might buy it. No, a tour of England. I did say I went over there. I have been there and it is a nice place. Blake set his head down on the palm of his hand, which was propped up by his elbow on the desk, "Does your dad have really big gauged earlobes?"

"He used to, yes. But he recently got them cut off and 'normalized' as he called it."

"Oh my god, you were the cute little punk girl. My brother and I would skate the neighborhood in the summers and I remember your dad trying to teach you to skate so you could skate with us." Blake said and smiled. 

I felt a tiny hint of blush on my cheeks. He called me cute. I'm probably not cute to him anymore. I do barely remember two boys that would skateboard around the neighborhood all the time. Dad, Jaime, and Vic all tried to teach me so I could play with them. I was always too scared to skate. I was afraid I would fall and hurt myself. And my fears would be proven when I would hit a rock and fall on the concrete. 

I remember one time when Dad was teaching me after I had seen the boys go through the neighborhood a few times. I hit a rock and fell off of the skateboard onto a bunch of rocks on the road and scratched my palms and knees up. Both boys were beside us in an instant, telling me that I was good and giving me encouragement to get on the board again. But Dad noticed I had a a few rocks stuck in my knee and had asked them to come in for a drink and a snack while he fixed me up. The next thing I remember is Jaime holding me down while Dad was pulling the rocks out of my knee with tweezers. 

"Yeah. I never wanted to get back on a skateboard after Dad had to pull rocks out of my knee." I said.

Blake chuckled, "That was the first time I had heard someone my age curse. I had never heard you saying anything before until you were yelling fuck and shit at your dad."

I blushed again, "Yeah, I was very lady like."

Blake shrugged, "You were cool."

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