Child's Play

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Tony's POV
I knew I wasn't alone when my door didn't shut behind me. I heard it click after the second pair of footsteps entered. I turned and looked at my best friend through my blurry tear filled eyes.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Jaime said as he pulled me into a hug.

I shook my head, "Hime, her eyes look dull and lifeless. I can see this is hurting her. I can't do anything about it. I can't fix it."

"Shhh." Jaime said as the tears fell down my cheeks and onto his shoulder. "Juliet is strong. And on top of that she has all of us. We can't change the past, but we can be there for her and do our best to ease her pain."

"What if her pain only gets worse? What will we do when we find scars on her body? What if we find her dead, Jaime?" I asked through a sob.

Jaime held me tightly, "We won't let that happen. We know her, Tone. She would talk to someone first. If not us, Jack or Alex."

"But what if she doesn't? I can't lose her."

"You won't. She'll always be our little Juliet. If she pushes us away, we'll just give her a little bit of space. She's growing up. And for something like this to happen to her while she's still a child can be very traumatizing. We know the signs, if anything starts showing them we'll take her to get help." Jaime said as he pulled away from our embrace and looked me firmly in the eyes. "It's tearing me apart to see her like this just as much as it is tearing you apart."

I nodded and wiped at my eyes with the back of my hands and did everything to stop myself from crying. Being a parent is harder than I ever thought when she was born. I've given her everything I could and I always will. I'll do everything I can to not see her go through what Vic went through. If it happens, she'll get the best help available. I looked at Jaime, "You're right, Himes. Thank you for being my best friend and for being her godfather."

Jaime smiled and gave me another hug, "Always, my friend."

The doorbell rang and Alex yelled through the house. I looked towards the window. Who would be coming here now? Zack was still on the plane. Andy was at the studio. Hopefully it's Blake. He's been blowing Juliet's phone up like crazy. My bedroom door opened and Vic popped his head in, "You two alright?"

Jaime and I nodded, "Yeah. Thanks, Vic."

Vic nodded, "I'm always here. Let's go annoy some teenagers, shall we?"

Jaime chuckled, "Dibs on embarrassing Jules!"

Juliet's POV
I saw Dad, Vic, and Jaime come down the stairs. Dad looked rough. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. I set everything down on one of the couches before walking up to Dad. I gave him a small smile and a hug, "I'm only saying this because I love you, but you look like shit. I think you need to go get some sleep."

Dad shook his head, "I'm fine, Jules. Thank you."

I raised an eyebrow, "You sure? We're about to have a Child's Play marathon. Brent bought me the box set."

"On second thought I think some sleep sounds pretty good." Dad said while chuckling. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before heading back up the stairs.

"Night, Dad."

"Night, Jules."

I headed back towards everyone. Jack grabbed me and pulled me onto the couch in between him and Alex, "DIBS ON THE BUNNY!"

"Hey! No fair!" Kellin and Jaime both yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "You two can cuddle when Himes gets scared."

"I don't get scared." Jaime said as he sat in front of me on the floor and leaned his back against my legs. I giggled and leaned forward, remembering when I made him and Dad first watch Child's Play. "That's why you wouldn't sleep in the same room as my dolls when I was little?"

"Dolls are creepy, alright. And that porcelain doll my parents bought you still gives me nightmares." He said and shuddered slightly. I gave a small laugh. Jaime's parents were a third set of grandparents to me. My maternal grandparents moved to Michigan a few years after my mom died, so I've only seen them in person a handful of times. They send me birthday and Christmas cards, though, as if that counts for anything. So for all I can remember it's been my dad's mom, Jaime's parents, then Vic and Mike's parents. I'd say I have more than enough grandparents.

I still had the porcelain doll Abuela Preciado gave me when I was a girl for Christmas. It was a large twenty-two inch doll that resembled Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I was obsessed with the movie when I was five, so she wanted me to have a pretty doll to cherish forever. I never played with it in fear it would break, since I had an earlier porcelain doll Abuela Preciado had given me that I dropped by accident and it's face shattered. But when we moved into this house I thought I was getting too old for dolls and put my Alice in her original box and stuffed her in the basement for safe keeping.

"It was a doll of Alice in Wonderland." Vic said as he plopped down on the other couch, between Veronica and Andrew. "It wasn't all that creepy."

"Speak for yourself. I hated that thing, too." Mike said as he plopped down in the chair closest to the door.

I rolled my eyes as Jack scooted closer to me, "Brent, Blake? I don't bite."

Blake shrugged and sat down beside Jack. Brent sat on the other side of Veronica, much to her obvious annoyance. Jack smirked and pointed at Brent, "Ohhh Brent has a crush!"

Brent and Veronica both made disgusted faces. "Dude she's like my sister."

"Ewww no." Veronica responded.

Everyone gave chuckles as Kellin put the DVD into the player and sat down on the floor in front of Alex, hitting play on Child's Play. I smiled to myself as I opened the bag of Sour Patch Kids.A great move with great friends and my amazing family. This is a good end for a dramatic day.

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