the magic school bus

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» the magic school bus «

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» the magic school bus «

» the magic school bus «

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HAVING SUPERPOWERS WASN'T AS GLAMOROUS AS IT SOUNDED. At least, not if you barely got to use them, that is. When most people think of superheroes, they think of saving the world, big explosions, heroic deeds. They thought of Tony Stark in his Iron Man gear, or Steve Rogers as Captain America. They thought of strength, protection, capability.

They never would think of a fourteen year old girl in a blue wet suit and a mask she sewed herself, sitting by the edge of the East River, making small whirlpools in the water with her fingers.

Scout Paxton didn't ask for her abilities, and she definitely didn't want them at first. She tried to get them to disappear, control them, never use them, but no matter how hard she tried, they always came back to haunt her.Sometimes it was the tap water in her sink forming different shapes as she washed her hands, or the lights flickering when she entered a room. Eventually, she came to the conclusion that they never were going to go away, and the least she could do would try and put them to good use. She wanted to help people, for her heart was still broken from her parents' death. The only thing that made her happy was seeing other people happy.

At first, it was cool, new, and exciting. She dug up her old Sea World wetsuit from her closet, having it from a camp she did there as a kid. She colored in the logo with blue sharpie, and she repurposed a few old swim suits into a mask that went over her head, leaving only a slit for her eyes and brows. She had looked at herself in the mirror, very proud of her diy uniform, knowing that even though it looked ridiculous, it was the best she could do.

She started out her vigilante life with stopping muggers in the dark parts of New York, most of the time succeeding. But she was mediocre, nothing compared to the Avengers that she always saw on the news. So she trained at home with Youtube videos and a punching bag she ordered on eBay, practicing punches and kicks so her fights would be a little easier. She would use a bath tub filled with water to test out tricks and learned how to turn lamps off with out having to touch them. With hard work and dedication, she was stopping criminals a few nights a week, staying in the shadows.

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