a heart unmasked

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» a heart unmasked «

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» a heart unmasked «

» a heart unmasked «

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IF SCOUT PAXTON HAD A DOLLAR FOR EVERY TIME SHE'D SEEN THE PHOTO OF HER HOLDING BACK THE TSUNAMI WAVE, SHE'D BE ABLE TO BUY THE PAIR OF GUCCI HEELS GWEN NEVER STOPPED TALKING ABOUT. The first time she'd seen it was on the news when she was getting ready for school the following morning, then a second time during first period. At the lunch table, that's all her friends wanted to talk about, and then it was all over social media that afternoon while she was studying with Peter.

The photo had shown up for the fifth time while she was babysitting Jane and Lea, both of the elementary girls completely in awe of the masked hero. They marveled over the picture, and Scout did think it was a cool shot. But that didn't matter to her, all she could think about was the peril the city was in, and how hundreds of people could have been killed.

But her heart still swelled when she heard four year old Lea tell her sister that she wanted to be Electric Siren when she grew up.

The two little girls had eventually stopped obsessing over the picture and decided to watch a Barbie movie with Scour, and Jane spent the entire time doodling a picture to which she gave Scout. Scout had taken it in her hands and when she looked at it, a smile immediately grew on her face.

The drawing was of Electric Siren and Spider-Man holding hands, a web coming out of his free hand and a lightning bolt coming from hers. In the corner, the second grader had written To Scout, the best babysitter ever. Love, Jane.

Scout had taken the drawing home with her and taped it to her vanity mirror, looking at it every day. It never failed to bring a smile to her face, and it reminded her of why what she did was so important.

The next day, Scout called the receptionist at Stark Towers, asking to be connected to Mr. Stark. The receptionist simply gave the answer of "Mr. Stark is overseas on business affairs. Can I take a message?" And the moment Scout said "I'm Scout Paxton, I need your help. I'm the Electric Siren" the woman hung up, probably assuming it was a prank call. After all, how could a fourteen year old girl be a superhero? It'd never been heard of before, she couldn't blame the woman for not believing her. But still, Scout felt frustrated that there was no way she could get in contact with any of the Avengers.

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