whatever it takes

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» whatever it takes «

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» whatever it takes «

» whatever it takes «

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SCOUT PAXTON HAD SEEN THE MOVIE 'BACK TO THE FUTURE' OVER A DOZEN TIMES, THANKS TO NONE OTHER THAN PETER PARKER. He was a sucker for old movies, and although she appreciated their history and nostalgia, the only reason she watched them so many times was to make him happy. She always loved the way his eyes would be glued to the television screen, watching as the grainy film told stories that were revolutionary in their time.

She remembered how one afternoon, she asked him if time travel would ever be possible one day. He had chuckled, taking her hand in his. "I hope not," he had said, looking away from the movie to meet her eyes. "Otherwise, our world is gonna get ten times more complicated."

Yet here Scout was, standing in the large, open space at the Avengers' new headquarters, staring at a beaten up old van that Lang was claiming to be a time machine. If she wasn't living through it, she would think the whole idea sounded absolutely ridiculous. But ever since her talk with Tony, she realized that maybe some things weren't so far-fetched after all. Lang was dressed in a red and white suit, topped with a helmet that would protect his body during the shifting of realities.

"Fire up the van." Bruce's voice echoed through the open space, and Lang walked over to the van, pulling open the back doors to reveal a tunnel-like compartment inside of it. It lit up on a series of gold and purple patterns, and Scout's eyes widened as she watched. They weren't kidding when they said the time machine was in a van, she thought.

"Brakers are set," Steve said, walking over to join the group. "Emergency generators are on standby."

"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose—" Bruce lowered his voice so Lang wouldn't hear him. "—Tiny here in 1950's."

"Excuse me?" Lang questioned, overhearing. Scout chuckled.

"He's just kidding," Natasha reassures Lang, and then in an even lower voice, she asked, "You are kidding, right?"

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