thanos's weakness

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» thanos's weakness «

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» thanos's weakness «

» thanos's weakness «

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THANKS TO ONE FIELD TRIP, SCOUT'S ENTIRE WORLD HAD QUICKLY TURNED UPSIDE DOWN, LANDING HER IN A SPACE SHIP WITH A ONE WAY TICKET TO HELL. Her normal New York habitat faded into a dark, outer space, and she remained trapped inside the flying ship. She'd tried repeatedly to pull herself out of the plasma restraints holding her arms up in a crucifix manner, but the more she struggled, the more she felt the burning sensation puncture through her wrists.

It had been twenty-seven minutes, yet Scout felt like it had been twenty-seven hours. Her feet were placed on a pedestal upon the floor of the ship, and her thighs burned from being used to support herself. If she so much as relaxed, all her body weight was placed on her arms, and the silver ropes holding them above her head threatened to pull them out of socket.

And so she stood there in pure pain and agony, but not daring to make any sound that made her appear weak. She was left alone, cold air and a slight buzzing sound filling the air around her. The being who had taken her, whom had revealed his name was Ebony Maw, had disappeared with Doctor Strange, and Scout hadn't heard a sound since then.

She wasn't aware that the intelligent creature had taken the wizard to a different part of the ship, strung him up, and was now torturing him to try and get him to give up the Time Stone. Ebony Maw was trying to do everything in his power to get the man to give it up to make Thanos happy, but nothing was working. The pain he was inflicting wasn't enough, and Strange was persistent on keeping it hidden.

Yet, Scout didn't know this. Scout didn't know anything that was going on. She little knowledge of infinity stones or who Thanos was or why the hell she had been taken on an extraterrestrial space ship. Everything had happened so fast, and the last time something so severe had happened to New York, it was when Loki had pledged his attack. However, she was merely a child then, only eight years old and simply cowering in her mother's arms.

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