calm before the storm

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» calm before the storm «

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» calm before the storm «

» calm before the storm «

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PETER PARKER KNEW SOMETHING WAS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH SCOUT PAXTON. He knew it the minute she skipped biology class, which was highly unlikely of her. Biology was one of her favorite classes, and she often looked forward to it. She found cellular processes rather interesting, and plus, it was the only class where she could sit by Peter. So when she didn't show up to that particular class, Peter felt a little off. Mr. Harrison simply brushed it off as nothing, and Peter had turned to Michelle to see if she was just as confused as he was. She merely told him Scout probably had other things going on, but even she too was a little worried.

Scout had hid in the bathroom the entire fourth period when she should've been in class. She sat on the lid of the toilet, hoping no one would try and open the stall she was isolating herself in. When she had woken up that morning, she felt out of body, as if everything she was doing wasn't real. She constantly felt watched, and the feeling gave her the sensation of thousands of bugs crawling all over her. She felt like she was going insane, and she had no idea what to do about it.

When the period was almost over, she unlocked herself, throwing her backpack over her shoulder and making her way to the sink. She took a good look at herself in the mirror, put down by what she saw. Her brown locks were tied into a knotted bun on the top of her head. Her skin was dark under her eyes, seeming to sink into her face. And her eyes, usually a vibrant blue, were no longer lively. They were lost.

So much had happened in the past week for her, and she felt completely and utterly overwhelmed. She'd been shutting everyone out, including her family and Peter. But, she couldn't go on like this. She felt like she was standing on a platform while watching the world spin uncontrollably around her, and she had no power to stop it.

The ringing of the bell shook her awake from her thoughts, and a few moments later girl's started to pour into the bathroom. Scout immediately slipped out, figuring she would try and get through the rest of the day. She had lunch next, and so she tried to focus her mind on simply getting to the cafeteria. That's how she would try and handle everything; one task at a time.

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