write it on the skyline

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» write it on the skyline «

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» write it on the skyline «

» write it on the skyline «

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tell them all I know now
shout it from the rooftops,
write it on the skyline,
all we had is gone now.
tell them I was happy
and my heart is broken,
all my scars are open;
tell them what I hoped would be impossible

SCOUT PAXTON BARELY RECOGNIZED THE TIRED, BLUE EYES STARING BACK AT HER FROM THE MIRRORED REFLECTION. She drug the brush through her hair, parting it to the side and tucking it behind her ear. The mascara on her lashes made her eyes burn, but she dared not rub them in fear of making her skin even more red and blemished. Her dark circles and pale skin made her look like a ghost. She normally loved her skin but today was different. Today she wished she could peel it off.

Her pink lips tried to form a smile, but the outstretched grin seemed so forced and fake that she simply let her frown return, shaking her head at herself. What a silly attempt to look happy. Scout wasn't the type of girl to hate looking at herself in the mirror; in fact, she normally loved how she looked. She had learned to love herself from a very young age. But today, she didn't feel beautiful on the inside, which then translated to her outside wellness.

The fifteen year old sighed, blowing out ounces of sleepiness and moving on with her morning routine. She grabbed her toothbrush, squeezed some toothpaste on it, and then outstretched her fingers, pulling tap water out of her sink faucet and directing it towards the brush's bristles. Wetting the toothbrush, she kept the remaining water in the palm of her hand while she cleaned her mouth with the other. She rinsed with the water and placed the toothbrush back in its cup before she flipped the bathroom light off.

She grabbed her backpack off her bed and slipped on her thick coat. Despite it being March, New York was still as cold as the arctic. She left her cozy room behind and found her sister sitting on the couch waiting for her. Charlotte jumped up when she saw Scout, but then she saw how glum her expression was, she frowned, immediately asking what was wrong. Scout simply told her it was nothing, that she was just tired. Charlotte didn't believe a word she said though; she knew when things were wrong in her sister's life, and today, something was terribly wrong.

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