empire state of mind

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»  empire state of mind «

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»  empire state of mind «

»  empire state of mind «

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"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?" SCOUT YELLED, VOICE BARELY AUDIBLE OVER THE BLARING SIRENS INSIDE THE ROOM. She gulped as she stood in front of the glass windows, eyeing the over two hundred foot drop that seemed to be their only escape route. The red lights flashing caused black spots to cloud her vision and her heart was beating a mile a minute.

"No, not really," Peter answered, but he knew it was the only way out. He heard footsteps and more explosions from the hallway, followed by the door beginning to bust open. "But we're doing it anyway. Run!" He shouted, grabbing Scout's hand before the two teenagers began sprinting towards the window.

Covering their faces with their free arms, they jumped, crashing through the glass and shattering it. Time seemed to slow down, Scout's hair whipping behind her head and her yells of terror filling the air. Adrenaline pulled through their veins as they fell into the dark, Manhattan skyline. The lights of the city flashed rapidly around them as they descended, and Scout was sure she was going to die.

Twelve Hours Earlier

The warm August air grazed Scout Paxton's face as she made her way down the sidewalk of Brooklyn, feet quickly padding along the cement. Her dark hair was curled and she wore a pale blue sundress that contrasted her sun kissed skin. She bit her lip as she walked quickly, already being ten minutes late. The streets were fully alive, everyone trying to soak in their last few days of summer before school started back up.

She scanned the streets, looking for a particular red sign hanging above the sidewalk, slipping through the spaces between different people walking in the opposite direction. She clutched her purse close to her body and muttered a few "excuse me's" and "so sorry's" as she sped through the crowds. She was careful not to trip over bumps in the cement and she dodged pieces of trash littering her path, carefully navigating her way through the concrete jungle.

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