earth wind and fire

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» earth wind and fire «

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» earth wind and fire «

» earth wind and fire «

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SCOUT PAXTON WAS CHANGING, AND SHE COULDN'T DECIDE IF IT WAS FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE. At the beginning of the school year, Scout was her normal self. Lively, invested in school, a good person to be around. She had her priorities straightened out and knew how to take care of herself. But now, she was slowly fading.

She couldn't eat or sleep, constantly in a state of paranoia. Her mind was constantly clouded with thoughts of recent events, her grades beginning to slip. She'd never experienced it before, she always felt safe as herself. But with her biggest villain knowing exactly who she was, she was a walking target.

She needed to work much faster than she had been, not knowing when Barracuda would strike next. She was in constant danger and uncertainty, but couldn't tell anyone about her concerns.

All except two roommates.

She knocked loudly on Derek and Jerry's door. She'd come without a notice, and was hoping they weren't asleep or in the shower. She wore her typical hood to shield her face, and she now carried her suit in her backpack wherever she went, just in case.

She soon heard the clicking of the locks being undone, and Michelle opened he door, eating a cup of yogurt. Scout meekly smiled at the girl she'd recently become acquainted with. She had come to trust her, she didn't speak of anything remotely related to their afternoon activities, and sat with her friends at lunch without any complications. The girl was quiet, often only making single handed remarks here and there, but everyone enjoyed her company.

"Come on in," Michelle walked back into the apartment, Scout following and shutting the door behind her. She spotted Jerry sitting at the table working on something, and Derek was looking in the fridge.

"Michelle, did you take my last yogurt?" Derek said, shutting the refrigerator and turning to see Scout. "Oh. What's up."

"I'm totally stressed," Scout started, hands flying to her temples in exasperation. "Barracuda knows my identity."

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