let slip the dogs of war

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» let slip the dogs of war «

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» let slip the dogs of war «

» let slip the dogs of war «

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FIVE WEEKS INTO SOPHOMORE YEAR, SCOUT PAXTON REALIZED THAT NO MATTER HOW COOL SHE THOUGHT HER HOME-MADE WATER GRENADES WERE, THEY WERE NO MATCH FOR WHAT SHE WAS EXPECTED TO DO IN SYNCRETIC BIOLOGY. Her teacher, Mrs. Wilson, had informed them that by the end of the semester they would be practicing making standard biotechnology machines, counting for over half of their grade. This put an immense amount of pressure on Scout, and after hearing the news, she had spent the rest of the day sketching ideas for machines in the back of her notebook.

At lunch, she sat with her friends as usual, but wasn't paying attention to them as she brainstormed ideas for the project. She figured she'd do something that used electricity, she knew that would be an easy A. But as for coming up with an idea, she was stuck at a crossroads. The conversations of her friends about how the homecoming dance was coming up didn't distract her, and she barely mumbled a 'sure' when Gwen told her that she, Scout, and Mary Jane were going dress shopping together. Harry had asked Gwen the day before, and now it was all the girl wanted to talk about, more than excited to go with him. The two had been dating for a few months and were still going steady.

Scout looked up from her notebook, stealing a glance at Peter a few tables away. He sat next to Ned, Michelle a few seats down, and they both stared off in the distance, muttering a few words to each other while they both kept their eyes focused on one thing. She looked over her shoulder to see what they were looking at, and she frowned when she saw Liz Allan on a ladder across the cafeteria, hanging up a banner that had the words Homecoming! painted across it.

Scout rolled her eyes. She recalled that earlier that day at Academic Decathlon practice, Peter had told the teacher he was quitting because of his 'Stark Internship.' Apparently, Tony had Peter running patrol errands every afternoon and he was now making that his top priority. Scout thought it was stupid how he was quitting, especially since the national competition was so close. Peter was the best on the team, and now Scout was first chair on the team, and heaps of pressure were now on her shoulders.

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