give me liberty

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» give me liberty «

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» give me liberty «

» give me liberty «

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WHEN SCOUT PAXTON WALKED INTO HER FOURTH PERIOD CLASS THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY, THERE WERE THREE THINGS SHE WAS TIRED OF. The first thing was, of course, her alarm. Usher had finally gotten on her nerves, and as much as she wanted to change the absolutely horrendous pop song, part of her couldn't bear to part with it. What had once been a song that got her pumped up for the day had turned into an annoyingly-lovable tradition. She felt like she would be dishonoring Usher.

The second thing she was sick of was hazelnut coffee. Scout had consumed nearly five cups the previous night alone, and that was nothing compared to the week's overall consumption. She was notorious for staying up late every night, but this particular past few days had been absolute hell for her. She spent all day either at school or training with Derek and Jerry. Her combat had improved and her skills in regards to her powers were becoming stronger. She would then go home in the evenings for dinner, spending the rest of the night locked in her room either researching Xavier or scrambling to finish her homework. To not just her fortune but the entire city's, there was not much crime, and whenever there was a small car chase or sketchy behavior Spider-Man was on the case. It allowed her to stay focused on her enemy...and on her chemistry exam.

The last thing was hearing all about what she did to the black car on Needlewood Road. The video had gained immense popularity throughout her school. It seemed like every period there was a new conversation about it. She at first tried to tune it out like she always did, but she couldn't help but grin a little at the positive comments. Flash Thompson called her a bad ass, and Cindy Moon said she wished she was her. Something about her classmate's approval gave her a little bit more motivation to keep doing what she did; it was the same feeling that Peter got when people talked about Spider-Man.

As Scout walked to her fourth period class, a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. She faced three familiar girls. The one with red hair looked strangely pissed off.

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